Planning Your CM Education

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  • Shannon

    I have decided I want to get this book and I was hoping for some more information about the DVD. What is the DVD like and what does it add? If I have to buy new, I don’t know if I should get the DVD or not.

    Sonya Shafer

    It all depends on how you learn best, Shannon. If you are the “just give the book and let me read it” type, all you need is the book. If you are the “talk me through this” type, the DVD is for you. I’m the type who learns best by reading. One of my dear friends is the type who learns best by talking and listening. So I created the DVD for her. It’s basically me talking you through the concepts in the book. Every once in a while I’ll stop the video and tell you to go do certain things in the book. 

    Does that help?


    That is just what I wanted to learn. It sounds like the book alone will work fine for me.

    Thank you!



    I’m generally a “just give me the book” type of person.  I actually only bought the ebook at first.  But I ended up buying the DVD.  For me, the value was someone telling me when to stop and work on the assignement.  Maybe that sounds silly.  But each step builds on the next.  It can take days to finish one step.  When I just had the book I was tempted to skip ahead and my planning got all jumbled.



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