I’m finalizing our plans for the year. I want to add a movie night into the mix. Learning With the Movies: A Guide for Education and Fun, by Beth Holland has been helpful in this pursuit. I’ve chosen titles and will organize them into our studies. I’m hoping to find some titles at our library. Do any of you have suggestions for finding older movies? We used Netflix in the past, but I understand they no longer deliver by mail. We don’t have Internet or satellite tv.
We do too! In fact, we don’t do the online version for accountability reasons (long story.) We do discs only. We were doing the three disc at a time plan, but recently pulled back to two.
I just found these at our local library and I think they are wonderful. They are put out by The History Channel. They are called “The Decades” collection. they go by ten year increments. We are up to 1960. It started out with early 1900’s. It showed movie reals of the Titanic, how Ford built his cars and the plant. How he moved his plant to a bigger one. ect… It was very interesting. I loved seeing the old movies back in the day and their attire. It went threw the presidents of the time and their struggles. My husband and I found them very fascinating. It would be great for a study in History timeline by video.
Just found these videos (through pintrist) – these are for US history, although there are ones that would apply to anyone. I watched the 20 minute video that Bell made AGES ago, introducing the DIAL telephone… It was entertaining! http://www.havefunwithhistory.com/HistorySubjects/oneMinuteHistory.html
There are good ones for Canadian History here… – they were designed to be public service type ads – so they are only about 30sec to a minute.