Planning the SCM history rotations for my oldest

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Schedules Planning the SCM history rotations for my oldest

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  • beccawalker2000

    My oldest is in 6th grade this year. Science and history have been a huge struggle for us. I feel like I finally have a handle on where he will go each year with his sciences, but the SCM history rotation is throwing me a curve ball!
    We had gotten through nearly the 1400’s with our previous curriculum, but my children were so bored with it, that I decided that we would simply start at the beginning of the Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Reformation this past month, and just go from there. So far, even though we had covered those years, they are excited about reading these new stories and books and are very much enjoying this part of school.

    My question is this though. How do I plan the rest of the history cycles in order to make certain my oldest has the necessary credits for high school? I realize that is 3-4 years ahead of where we are, but if I can wrap my head around which years to focus on, whether he may need to double up in the hs years, etc, I would feel a bit more peaceful about backtracking! I know it was the right decision because they hadn’t learned anything anyway, but still, I know that it would take away some stress for me to have a basic game plan in place for my oldest.

    I’d love your input and ideas on this! Thanks!!


    We’ll be doing a 4 year history cycle.  I figure that way they’ll have covered each time period once during their high school years.  I’ll be combining the first 3 modules into one year by leaving out several of the books and some of the Bible readings.  I’m not exactly sure how I’ll rearrange it all, but we are on Middle Ages this year, so I have awhile to figure it out.  😉

    I’m trying to figure out credits since I’ll have a high schooler next year.   I’m thinking SCM history plans (and Visits To…) will give us: 1 geography credit, 1 Am. history, and 2-3 world history.  I haven’t figured out Bible credits yet.  I really want to add some theology books for high school, so we may end up with multiple credits there.


    I like a four-year history cycle, too.  I choose a spine (SCM Module, Story of the World, etc.) and then fill-in with living books assigned for independent reading.  The four-year history cycle coincides better with many other curriculum providers and allows us more flexibility.

    Sonya Shafer

    I’ll be happy to brainstorm some possible scenarios with you.

    Grade – History Study
    6 – Middle Ages, Ren, Ref
    7 – Early Modern
    8 – Modern
    9 – Matthew through Acts, Ancient Rome
    10 – Middle Ages, Ren, Ref
    11 – Early Modern
    12 – Modern


    6 – Middle Ages, Ren, Ref
    7 & 8 – Early Modern (spend more time and add more books, if desired)
    9 & 10 – Modern (spend more time and add more books, if desired)
    11 – Either Genesis through Deuteronomy & Ancient Egypt or Government
    12 – Either Joshua through Malachi & Ancient Greece or Economics


    6 – Middle Ages, Ren, Ref
    7 – Early Modern
    8 – Modern
    9 – Middle Ages, Ren, Ref
    10 – Early Modern
    11 – Modern
    12 – Government/Economics


    Thank you for your input. I’m thinking over and considering these ideas. Sonya, I may get back with you a bit later to mull over these ideas you’ve posted.
    I’d especially appreciate prayer though. Because of the physical struggles I have, it is superbly difficult for me to think through things and get a plan down on paper. I have times that ideas seem clear and simple, but as I try to get those thought in order, I experience brain fogginess and sluggishness. It’s making planning and ordering our days and our time quite a challenge right now. Thankfully the Lord seems to be opening a door for me to meet with a doctor who thinks he can really help me. What a blessing that is after many, many appointments, money spent, and testing done that led to only hearing, “I wish we could help you, but we have no answers.” So maybe that Lord is leading me into a time of healing! Whatever His will for me in this area, I know that He wants us to homeschool, so I know that He will provide a way for me to teach my children peacefully. I appreciate your kindness in sharing ideas with me.

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