Planning Question using CM Planner

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  • missceegee

    I am planning our next year and using the Planning Your CM Education book/dvd. We will be using module 4 according to the handbook that just came out. I’m thinking I can skip the History/Geo/Bible planning as it’s already planned in the Module 4 handbook. Is this correct, or am I off my rocker and need to plan out those books too?

    Thanks for suggestions.

    ~ Christie

    Richele Baburina

    I don’t think you’re off your rocker, Christie.  It seems you would just need to plan in which time box to put it in if it is a five-day schedule (unless you’re switching out any books).  We always do map drill on Friday as a matter-of-course. 


    p.s. Thanks again for taking such good care of us in Jacksonville!


    Thanks, Richele. I am a bit sleep deprived and I never do my best thinking that way!Undecided

    It was a pleasure meeting you at the conference. I’m glad that you were able to come, perhaps, in the future we’ll meet again and have a chance to get to know one another better. 

    ~ Christie


    The only reason I would see wanting more detail is if you want it for your reports….

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