planning next year's curriculum…need help

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Science & Nature Study planning next year's curriculum…need help

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  • Linabean

    Thank you all so much for all of your advice and suggestions!  I have been checking things out throughout the day and looking into living books and such.  I also checked what our province’s prescribed learning outcomes ( I don’t know what these are called in the U.S, sorry) are for my kids grades as well so I could look into different curriculums that would meet a lot of these.  The PLO’s seem kind of scattered and somewhat unrelated to me, but I will still need to meet most of them in the respective grades I think.  Anyway, in my search I came across a CM style homeschool science course called “Noeo science”.  I was wondering if anyone on here has had any experience with this curriculum at all.  I would love to hear opinions!

      I’m kinda hoping it will be good as I would have a hard time planning out every book to cover every topic for the year.  I have been sick for a couple years now and have just been diagnosed with Graves so I need to keep things simple, smooth and as easy to teach and plan as I can.  Just thought I would put that out there in case it helped anyone give an opinion on this product for our family.

      Thanks for your help.  I sure do appreciate this forum and how helpfull you all are!



    We have used the Noeo Science.  It was great for the younger years, although we  added more books from the library.  The upper elementary relied to heavy on the two Usborne books, which my kids found very boring.  I ended up dropping the books and relied on books from the library on the same subject.


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