Planning more than one year at a time?

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  • Sahmamma

    Has anyone done this? Has anyone planned, say through highschool all at one time instead of year by year?

    I am getting things together, but still am overwhelmed as we have always just done boxed curriculum. I think it would be easier for me to plan several years at once maybe.

    Sara B.

    I am working on doing this right now – albeit slowly…  🙂  My oldest is 9 going into 4th grade, and I already have most of those earlier grades done because of my kids being in them now.  But I am trying to branch out further and further ahead so I know what books to grab when I see them at yard sales.  😉  LOL  Seriously, though, already it has been very helpful, and I’ve barely begun.  I can see more of where we’re headed and how exactly it will play out.  Of course, I’m not doing a day-by-day structure at all, just knowing which books will be planned for which years – not just which modules but more detail than that.  If that makes sense?

    I had my 4 years planned with subjects, electives, all the books, music, art, movies that we wanted to do, and then each year..just got down to planning the small details and schedules, it was nice to have an overview right from the start. As I had time I would add to the plans and make more detailed ones. I found it easier this way.


    I’m in the process of doing this now.  I find the idea freeing since we tend to piece our curriculum together from different sources. It won’t be written in stone, but is helpful for me to know, for example, that we’re planning on doing Language Lessons from Lord of the Rings in 9th, so that’s when I can plan those books for lit., etc. And just to see on paper that we’ve got our bases covered. Good luck planning:) Gina


    I am justing starting this fall with my oldest ds and I have done a 12 year overview as well.  I also find that it helps me have when I am at thrift stores to build up our library.  I think I will save a copy so I can look back 12 years from now to see what my “grand plan” was compared to our actual journeySmile 


    I have a 12 year overview but have not filled in all my dots.  I am finding that the longer I hs, our path is becoming more clear to me all the time.  I have a general idea of what we want to do and where we are going and I add the concrete details closer to that year.

    I keep a master sheet for each subject and jot down resources mentioned here or on other guides and rank them loosely under what grades they are intended for.  This helps both with random notes, thoughts, and having it all ready to review as I finalize the year’s plans.

    Having the over allows me to add books all the time since I have planned to follow the Modules history years and gather all the living, classical books I can put my hands on when I can get them cheap.


    You need to plan high school at one time so that you know you are going to cover everything required for graduation. You may go back and fill in blanks with details later. But an overview of what subjects will be covered in what years is highly recommended so you don’t end up in the senior year with too many credits to fulfill in the time alloted. 


    I’m so glad to see this discussion. I started on this at the beginning of last year and have a plan through 8th grade and am finding it so helpful. I have decided to hold off on planning high school for now. I’m thinking in the middle school years we’ll start to see what directions ds will be leaning towards and can begin to plan accordingly. I am already finding it very helpful as I look ahead to the next year to have it all down. Of course it isn’t written in stone and I have changed what science and history we were planning to use. But getting an idea of what direction and what priorities are is very helpful and freeing as we pray over and make decisions.


    I suppose I have a “road map” in the sense that I have a list of subjects I want to cover in which grades through highschool, and I keep a list of possible resources to use for each grade, but as I get closer to that year I will spend more time actually planning and tweaking as new products come out, or interests change, or if I find something really work for us or really doesn’t.

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