Planning into the Wee Hours of the Morning

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch Our Book of Mottoes Planning into the Wee Hours of the Morning

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  • Sonya Shafer

    “Do not sit up late preparing lessons; what you seem to gain in preparation you lose by tiredness next day.” ~ Charlotte Mason (in The Story of Charlotte Mason)


    I’m adding this as one of my favorites! You always know just what to say at just the right time!

    Thanks, Sonya!

    Faith 🙂


    Sonya, you should have posted this yesterday before I stayed up til midnight planning. 😀

    Julee Huy

    Ditto to that! I haven’t planned in a long time, last night I stayed up until midnight planning! I sure was tired this morning, couldn’t get out of bed on time!


    Thanks Sonya – I’m going to bed right now!!!


    This is definitely one to put up on a card above my desk. 🙂


    Ack! Boy did I need to read that!! (Now…where’s my coffee?!)

    Jodie Apple

    Very True!! I tend to bounce between over planning and under planning. Has anyone found the balance yet?!!

    I’ve been wondering if there was a biography of CM or other books about her outside of the 6 volume home schooling series. Is The Story of Charlotte Mason about her life in general or mostly about her work? I looked on Amazon and the only copy available was @ $70 and there appeared to be no description of the book. Can anyone comment on this?

    Sonya Shafer

    It’s about both her life and her work. For me, it filled in the details and made her 6 volumes more living, because I got to know the woman behind the words better. It does have some excerpts from the 6 volumes in it, but also lots of her personal notes to her teachers and letters and other great quotes (like the one above).

    I got mine many years ago when the Ambleside School in Fredericksburg, Texas, had a supply to sell. Since then, they have sold out their stock and, last I heard, were referring people to ChildLight in the UK to obtain a copy.

    Jodie Apple

    Thanks Sonya!!!! Now I have a quest. I’ve been wanting to find this type of writing about her for some time now but didn’t even know if it exists. Now I know and can begin the search.


    bumpSmileas a reminder to us all


    Okay, as a planning-freak, I needed this!!

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