Planning help for Mechanics of Grammar

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics English & Grammar Planning help for Mechanics of Grammar

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  • jlcs

    I am beginning to plan for next year and am needing any suggestions you have for teaching the mechanics of grammar to  my ds13.  We have loosely covered capitals and punctuation in his writing and as observed in his other studies.  But, I am feeling like he needs to cover it in a more comprehensive way.  We have used Fix-It grammar but this hasn’t transferred to his writings.  Is there something that you have used and loved?  Thanks so much!


    Cozy Punctuation is one option.


    Thank you, retrofam!

    Rachel White

    I’v been pleased with Growing with Grammar. Concepts are taught in small chunks, it’s a short-spiral, so there’s a lot of repetition; a method necessary for grammar, no matter the age. Plus, it’s independent and easy to grade. If he needs extra diagramming help, there’s a separate extra practice book.




    Thank you, Rachel!  I am going to explore this.  It is so helpful to know what others have used and has worked well.


    We are looking into Get Smart Grammar


    We have just completed Get Smart Grammar.  It is a wonderful program!!!  I highly recommend it.  It is a very effective way to teach grammar.  I feel great about all my ds has learned this year with this program.  I am excited for you!  🙂

    I am primarily looking for materials that teach the mechanics of grammar–punctuation, capitalization etc.   I was  hoping to come across something that taught these skills in just as effective of an approach.  I am looking at possibly using Analytical Grammar for its mechanics lessons.  Does anyone have any feedback on this?

    Thank you for your reply and enjoy Get Smart Grammar!


    I am glad to hear that y’all enjoyed Get Smart Grammar and had success with it!

    We have gone through Cozy Punctuation and I think it did a good job explaining things.  There isn’t a lot of practice.  But, depending on your child’s needs it might be enough.

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