Planning for next year… How does this sound?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Planning for next year… How does this sound?

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  • Rebekah

    I’m starting to plan for next year. I’ve come full circle and am back to the practical and simple. Can you guys look over my plan and tell me if I’m missing anything or have to much of anything?


    I will have 5th, 3rd and kindergartner. Also a toddler.

    Together we will do beautifulfeet history of California. This is supposed to be a semester course but I’m going to spread it over a year by only doing it twice a week plus adding the book California beginnings.

    Also together will be real science odyssey chemistry. And various literature read alouds, I’ll probably pick one of the SCM lists.

    Each child will do their own level of math u see. The oldest two will use learning language arts through literature (purple and yellow), kindergartner will do HWOT. When he has his letter formation down, I may have him do spelling you see jack and Jill level. I’m tempted to use this also with the older two, but maybe this would be to much with LLATL?

    The kids will also be assigned reading to go along with science and history.

    I also want to get back to doing artist and composers.


    Oops. Forgot to add the 3rd grader will also be doing all about reading 3. And possibly the kindergartner too, haven’t decided if I want to continue with it for him. He is picking up reading quickly and easily. (He’s only ten lessons behind his older sister in AAR 2)


    I personally would want to add in bible and a character study, but besides that your plans all look good to me. 🙂  Actually they look very similar to what I’m doing THIS year, down to ages and using Beautiful Feel CA history.

    Speaking of which, while BF CA history says it’s a semester course, IMO it is a fully year course, doing lessons 4 days a week (or more.)  I had started our current year of school planning on doing a semester of western expansion (not BF but my own booklist) and a semester in California history (using BF) but when I sat down and really looked at their guide I realized that was not possible.  Some lessons they have 4+ chapters scheduled to read, plus journaling, research and questions, for ME I would want to do that single lesson over a week, not a day.  I think you can either look over the guide and drop some books (a friend of mine has chosen to do this) or plan on using the guide all year.  I ended up choosing to spend this year studying only California history. I further tweaked the BF guide to make it fit a CM philosophy… dropping comprehension questions and research projects and doing simple reading (a chapter a day!)  timeline work (in our family BOC) and narrations (in our journals.)  I share this all because I was super disappointed once I really looked over the BF guide because it didn’t line up with my own philosophy or CM.  They schedule in a ton of WONDERFUL living books, but beyond that I felt it was a lot of rushed readings and busywork, at least for me and how I initially planned to use it. From my understanding… from chatting with some friends IRL who have used BF and hanging out on their FB page I get the impression that the guides aren’t really meant to be used in a “read every book, complete every assignment, all within a semester or school year” but rather “pick and choose and take your time”  Anyhow, I encourage you to look at the guide… and tweak as would fit your family best. It is really a fabulous program 😉


    We will be doing our family bible study, I just didn’t mention it.

    If you tweak BF that much, is the guide still worth it?

    Are you using LLATL? Do you add extra copy work?


    Personally, even with tweaking, I still think the guide is worth it.  It is beautifully, full color, and some great additional info and write ups.


    I am not using LLATL, but if they have daily copy work assigned in there I’d personally skip the extra.


    LLATL does not have daily copywork. It’s once a week, most weeks, and dictation of the same passage later in the week.

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