{Planning Discussion} Blank, Printable, TERM Planner?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education {Planning Discussion} Blank, Printable, TERM Planner?

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  • kellywright006

    I was wondering if anyone had a blank, term planner?
    I am trying to get all the CM elements organized and planned in one place, witout having to format my own printable.

    I’d like to have the poet, the artist, the hyms, the handicraft stuff on there (as that is the stuff that is easily left off if not PLANNED)–which I am finding out! I have all these ideas in my head, of KNOWING what I’m aiming to do. I just think it might be better implemented if it was written down?

    Do you guys PLAN and write things down, or just “go tot he next lesson?” I am asking because I KNOW what to do in History, Science, Math, Grammar……I just open to the next page. There IS no planning to do, so I figured, why take time to write it down.

    I live in MI, and don’t have to record anything. So I am not asking for legal records, just curious how you PLAN……and if you have any printables or templates you couldn’t live without?

    Excited to hear the good news in the am. I might dream of a printable organizer in my sleep!

    Kelly  🙂


    Do any of these from our current year help give you ideas?


    I ALWAYS make 12 week term charts. I did abandon our printed planners and return to the SCM organizer, but the 12 week charts stay handy. Yes, I know to do the next thing, but without my yearly plans it’s easy to fall further behind than I would like.


    I need to have a written plan just so I know what I am going to use during the year with each child. I can’t remember everything like I used too! 😉

    I have a couple of simple ways to plan and track myself – some of the ideas for this years planner came from missceegee’s post. =) 

    Here is our current planner:


    Here is the Table of Content planner that really is just do the next thing:


    If you want an online planner, I really do like the SCMO.



    Oh goodness. Both of your links are wonderful. I might have to take the rest of the week off, for teacher prep.  Foot in mouth Those links have me all excited. Now, to come up with a detailed plan like that???

    Maybe that type of spread is intimidating because I’d have a hard time if I didn’t get to it, IF it’s written down, Sheraz, kinda like your post about the organizer, not wanting to erase! However, maybe it’s the kids of accountibility I need…..just might hurt a little in the process. Not living up to it!

    Thanks for the inspiration!



    Ok, you all are really making me nervous tonight!  I am not paper planning this new year.  I’m going with the SCMO online planner.  I’m so off kilter with insomnia this week … I’d better digest this more before I comment more!  Undecided


    Claire, even when I used the SCMO, I used a paper organizer to help me see my week laid out before I scheduled it in the computer for the year. Don’t stress – the SCMO is awesome and works great on the daily assignments. I think that now that they have the weekly spread on the top that it would be even easier to use. Tweaking your schedule on there is so simple, too! I think that you are going to be just fine. =) 


    So, the first 2 ladies who commented and sent links, totally inspired me…..but mid-year, pulling something like that together seems very difficult to do. Anyone have a template that can be printed, to map things out?

    Will totally be using above recommendations in prep for next year. We started this year LATE with new baby and a move. We’re almost to the third term. I’ve got to get my dicks in a row for the last stretch!  🙂


    Kelly – sent you a PM.

    Katrina in AK

    Sheraz, would you be willing to share your planner files? I love the CMO, but also get sucked in badly…

    Missceegee and Sheraz,

    I really like the way you ladies plan your homeschool year out. Can you share any editable files?


    This isn’t blank, but is editable in excel – 12 week term chart or in word – 12 week term chart blank.doc

    Progress Report & Character Report




    Thank you so very much!! Laughing


    @Katrina and Sarai – I sent you a PM. =)



    Would you mind telling us how much time you typically spend to do all those beautiful things you have planned??  It looks like it would be hours and HOURS!!  But I don’t imagine it is really SO many.  This is a great way for some of us who’ve never quite gotten there to see that it really is possible to do all that without spending all day and night at it.  (Isn’t it? 😉  I’m afraid I’m going to be stealing/copying again.  I’m so glad it’s allowed here!!

    Alicia Hart

    I would love an answer to this question about Christie’s hs plans too!  Please do share, Christie Laughing

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