I haven’t been on this forum much since joining in late spring, but as of late I am in turmoil.
I need to plan our fall, I want to use some of what we have in the past, as I do like it and the children seem to grasp the quick and short lessons. (I’d say it is CM friendly and perhaps a little bit of classical style??) I do however want to change History and possibly science, especially for my soon to be 10 year old.
The other area I need help with is organization…of our school area and my whole house really. I’ve been looking at some lovely blogs and there seems to be quite a few home schoolers that really have it all together…..I LONG for that. I want the tidy house where I know exactly where to find things….the fresh flowers….the fresh baked goods.
I seem to only have those things once in a while. My house isn’t overly messy or dirty…just lots of changes over the last 2 years and lots of extras….just when I seem to be on top of it…..well it flops.
I have a new desk with cupboards I have yet to fill, we have been so busy helping others lately.
One idea I have implemented is to use magazine file boxes 6 for each child….I place the school work into them and they go through it….i guess like a workbox idea. I just need to stick with it!
I just want the peace and tranquility of a home not a house….does that make sense? Oh that would be nice. However….2 years of rushing around and helping everyone else has left me with a big job.
Here we are about to start August and I have not ordered one book, nor have we had our vacation. I am realizing that time is ticking and I am just not that into planning.
Any suggestions are most welcome! Perhaps I just had to get this off my chest, and that will be the first step? Just starting to feel panic…..which isn’t my nature, I’m usually good at going with the flow.
It sounds like you have been doing a lot of really valuable things. I wouldn’t beat yourself up for not having your home organized. I think one can always tell a homeschool home but the pile of books and project around. Our homes won’t look like everyone else’s because we are in them, doing things so much. The workbox system with the magazine holders sounds like a great idea. I don’t know what your school year is like but maybe you need to give yourself an extra week this year to get up tp speed?
Hi- I wanted to add that if you try to tackle “reorganize my whole house and school plans” all at once, you will stay in panic mode and end up doing nothing. Been there!
A great tip I learned is to take one room/area of your home at a time. Set the timer for 15 minutes, work as hard as you can on that one spot, then stop. Even if it’s just organizing a junk drawer. You will be surprised how much you get done, and like CM’s ideas of the short lessons, you will be able to give your full attention to that one task. You’ll feel so good about getting it done, that you’ll want to do more later (again in small, doable increments). You can set the timer for longer as you feel more comfortable.
Your children are old enough to help with this plan. They could be doing the same in their rooms while you work on another area.
Do the same with lesson plans….work in small increments. You can ask your children to do a quiet activity while you plan school. Tell them you will work until the timer goes off. This will also help them when you start up with school seeing how mom can work as hard as she can for a short time, then get a break.
And like Nebby said, you have been doing valuable things helping others as well. Don’t discount that.
I read this wonderful little book called Lies Homeschooling Moms Believe by Todd Wilson, a homeschool dad and father of 7. One of the most freeing things he said was NEVER to compare yourself to another homeschool mom….what usually happens is we compare our weakness with another’s strength, and that’s just a timewaster and unproductive. I sounds like you have a gift for serving others, maybe the moms you see on the blogs of the “perfect” schoolroom don’t have that and they are weak in another area. You never fully know what is going on in another’s home. I had to stop looking at those blogs because I was constantly comparing myself to what I thought was the “perfect” homeschool mom…there is no such thing!
What a great question, Sweet Marie! I agree totally with what the others have said so far, especially what Nanci said about trying to tackle everything all at once. I consider myself to be a pretty organized person…not to brag though…it’s just what God’s gifted me with, and I praise Him for it!
First thing, take a deep breath. Release yourself from the expectation you have to compare yourself to others and find yourself lacking. What you may be lacking in organization, other of us might be lacking in patience or habit-training or any other area of our lives. Also like Nanci, I used to compare myself to the “perfect homeschool mom”, who has a spotless house, an alphabetized bookshelf, fresh bread out of the oven at 5:00 a.m., freshly clipped flowers from her own garden, and a cinnamon-vanilla candle burning all day long. That only made me feel even more deficient and down, and the Lord doesn’t want me to feel that way!
Second thing, it’s a great goal to want to become more organized; but like any goal, you won’t meet your goal the same day you set it. It’s a process that takes time and patience with yourself. Start small, and work your way up. Even as much as I love organizing, I don’t ever try to tackle my entire house in one day. Pick a spot, like your junk drawer or your closet or your desk or the playroom, and start with that spot. Don’t quit and move on to another spot until you’ve finished the current one. It’s a much greater sense of accomplishment and satisfaction when you finish one thing at a time and see your progress than it is to have 15 half-finished projects. It is easy to get side-tracked, like when you walk to the kitchen to throw a pile of old papers away and stop to clean out your pantry and fridge. Resist the urge to tackle the pantry and fridge until you’ve finished the desk, or whatever project you start first.
Third, enlist your children. In my opinion, an organizer’s worst enemy are the kids who get things out and never put them back where they belong. Actually, I take that back. An organizer’s worst enemy is herself when she neglected to train the children to put things back where they belong! You don’t want to finish all your hard work and it be for nothing the next time the kids decide to have a craft day or a play date. They’re much more likely to work with you to keep things neat and tidy if they had to participate in the organizing process. Besides, the habit of orderliness and the habit of neatness must be taught sometime!
Last…purge, purge, purge! My rule for getting rid of things is if I haven’t touched it, seen it, or used it in the last six months, I don’t need it anymore. Same rule applies to the kids’ things. Same rule applies to clothes and shoes. There’s no sense in organizing and making room for things you don’t use. Simplicity is not only essential to staying organized, but our family has found a simplistic lifestyle to be our preferred way of life. Early in our family, we had a season where we made a lot of money and had a lot of stuff. Our circumstances have been different for the last several years, and we are happier now than we’ve ever been. We have less, therefore we want less. It’s easier to keep your house organized and clutter-free when there’s not a lot to clutter it up. Have a big garage sale, donate your clothes to a ministry or Salvation Army, give toys and clothes away to younger cousins or your friends’ children. Beware though–contentment isn’t something that comes naturally if you’re already used to having a lot of “stuff” around. It’s not just a mindset; it’s also a heart condition. If you have a hard time letting go of things, that will be something God has to change in your heart, if that is your desire.
And one last thing about your school year planning: there is no rule written in stone that says you must start your homeschool in August. We don’t start until the Tuesday after Labor Day, which happens to be Sept. 7th of this year. Take the whole month of August off for vacation if you like, use some of your free time to plan next year and some of it to tackle your organization goals.
I just wanted to mention a book that recently helped me get started on decluttering and organizing, though I’m nowhere near being done – it’s a slow process. 🙂 I stumbled on Unclutter Your Life in One Week while I was looking up another book on organizing recommended here not too long ago. It helped me think through small areas to work on one at a time: Cleaning out a closet one day, bathroom one day, took two days to do my room . . . I didn’t really follow her one week plan, but picked just one area to work on at a time. But I hadn’t been able to get past feeling overwhelmed by the whole house until I read over her plan. She also helps you think through your criteria for keeping and eliminating various items, like clothing. I found it very helpful, so thought I’d mention it. The author is Erin Dolan. Baby steps! We can do this! 🙂
THank you all for your kind words and tips. I am lucky as my children are fairly good at keeping on top of chores. They do help with dishes, putting laundry away, taking care of pets etc.
Lindsey, I do have a hard time with purging!! I need to let things go. I get all sentimental and teary about things lately. Maybe becuase a few years back, before I had children I had to get rid of a lot to make a big move, and over the last 2 years I have lost my grandparents, whom I was very attached to. Now my last grandparent is ill, 🙁 I think I like to keep too many things instead of memories. Maybe I should photograph some things, and if I am happy with that then I can sell/donate that item?
I thnk I’ll take my vacation and then worry about more planning after that. I do need to decide on a school board to go with as well. Once I decide that, it will be another weight lifted.
I do tend to pile a lot onto myself….so my notes are to take small chuncks, purge, and perhaps look up that book Melissa suggested!
Truly, it sounds like you need that vacation! Take it and relax. Isn’t homeschool all about flexiblity? I heard of a family who didn’t start school until October because of their schedule. That was refreshing for me to hear! I am just now starting to order my curriculum, let alone work through it to be ready for our year. I did want to tell you though that I LOVE your idea of magazine holders for each child. I am going to use it! (And, I just heard about someone cutting cereal boxes and covering them in scrapbook paper to be magazine holders instead of buying them.)
I am not a very sentimental person, sometimes to a fault. I wish I was the type of person who scrap-booked every single picture ever taken of their kids, but I’m not. I even had a hard time keeping up with one child’s baby book, and I’ve only got two children!
I know some people can live with a bunch of clutter, and it doesn’t bother them; I am not one of those people. Clutter messes with my sanity. Clutter clogs my brain. I’ve always said, “If my house is cluttered, my mind is cluttered.” And that’s exactly how I feel. I can accomplish anything when I have a clean and organized workspace/home. If it’s not clean and organized, I have to take care of that before I can accomplish anything! I understand your not wanting to let go of things because of special people and things that you’ve had to let go of unwillingly, like your grandparents. That’s why I posted above that it’s not just a mindset; it’s also a heart condition.
If you know that getting rid of some “stuff” needs to happen in your life, but you’re having a hard time, ask the Holy Spirit to give you strength. Look up some Bible verses about worldly possessions and treasures. Above all, remember that, if your purging things you don’t need out of your life ultimately benefits you and your family, then it’s worth it. If you feel that you and your family will experience great loss because of parting with something, then maybe it’s not time to get rid of it yet.
Something I always remind myself when I’m chunking/giving away/selling something I really do like but don’t have room for is this: God knows exactly what I need and when I’ll need it. If there ever comes a time in my life when I need this “thing” again, God will provide a replacement; but right now, I don’t have room for it, am tired of cleaning it, or I’m not using it.
Another rule I have is the “One in, one out” rule. This means that, when I acquire something new, I have to choose something to get rid of to make room for the new thing. For example, on the rare occasion that I get a new item of clothing, I always choose one shirt or pair of jeans out of my closet to get rid of before hanging the new item up. If I order a new book, I find one of our old books to give away or post on Paperback Swap. If a child needs a new pair of shoes, we give away the outgrown pair as soon as the new pair is purchased. You get the idea. This rule keeps me accountable, and I never have to worry about accumulating too much stuff.
Finally, I have shocked a lot of people with the amount and type of stuff I am willing to part with. What I always say is, “Well, I can’t take it with me!” Someday, I’m going to get to be with my Father in heaven, and I won’t be one bit worried about the stuff I left behind. What matters most is my relationship with the Lord, meeting my family’s needs, and loving and serving others. Whatever extra “stuff” I have is ultimately unimportant in the grand scheme of things. And I don’t ever want clutter to get in the way of what matters most.
I highly recommend the book Managers of Their Chores by the Maxwells. I implemented it a few months ago and it has made a huge difference in my home. My girls have a morning chore pack and an evening chore pack, and we are about to create a lunch chore pack as well. I’ve found that with the daily upkeep of the home being spread out between the 4 of us and not mostly resting on me, I have more energy and motivation now to tackle the clutter and those things that just never got taken care of. And we are cleaning things on a daily basis now that were a struggle to even get done once a week before.
Lindsey, wow you sound like me! I do not generally get emotionally attatched to stuff. My main problem is that I’m weak-willed and my children DO get emotionally attatched to stuff and they dont want to part with their toys and I have the hardest time actually purging their things.
I wanted to echo what alwaysprego (I smiled at your “name”) said about starting school in October.
We live in western WA where September is the nicest month weather-wise. I know many families who wait until October to start school to take advantage of the beautiful weather before the rainy months set in. They even do this at the state University with a late September start.
This year, as I’m expecting a baby in mid-September, we’ll be doing this as well.
So Today I bought a tiny note book, decorated it with stickers and am using it for my passwords….this is something that I’ve wanted to do!
I also am liking the starting in October idea!
I’m still feeling overwhelmed, but we are making headway, the kids cleaned the playroom and even started a box for give aways!!
Also thanks for reminding me to call on the Holy Spirit! I have a bad habit of trying to go it alone when things get tough…and pray when things are smooth (I know backwards compared to most…) and I am also trying to keep light hearted.