I am looking for a hard copy planner, 8.5 x 11 or slightly larger, that has the subjects for each day listed out. I’ve used the Well Planned Day, which works well, but does not have enough spaces in the column for the subjects; and I don’t like writing in the additional subjects each week.
I have used A Plan in Place and really liked it. Each child has their own planner. I like that all the information for the year is contained in one book. Great for record keeping!!
Oh, Melissa!! I’m in love with that planner! My upcoming 4th grade Lily would love this! I always make my own forms but have been using spiral notebooks for my DD9 and DS8 the last two years.
This is what I came up with for myself. Having everything planned out day-by-day stresses me out but a checklist works perfectly for me. In the blank spaces I write down what books we used.