Planner work if not completely using CM approach?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Planner work if not completely using CM approach?

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    I am interested in getting the “Planning Your Charlotte Mason Education” to help me organize our hs, but I am still tweeking exactly what I’m doing.  Will the planner help me even if I don’t completely follow the Charlotte Mason approach?

    I don’t follow CM completely elthough I do for literature and history and most language arts with my high school age dauighters.  I have tweaked the organizer with all the things we use and I find it a wonderful addition to our homeschool.  If nothing else adding all their reading books and being able to track what they are doing is a huge blessing to us all, it helps the girls stay on track and lets me know things are moving along.  Apologia Textbooks are already in the book finder section to add to the organizer and there is no reason why you cannot add other texts if you use them, only you will see what you add in your own resources.  As long as I can afford it, I will continue to use it – and I would go so far to say I would sacrifice something else, to make sure I could afford it.  Have you tried the trial yet – I did that at the start and that is when I knew it would work for us – so if you have not tried the trial, then I highly recommend that you give it a go.  Adding the resources can be time consuming, but they have added some features that make it go much quicker now – also once the resources are in, they are always there unless you delete them, or stop subscribing to the organizer – personally I think it is an invaluable tool for anyone to use.  Good luck, Linda



    I think you are referring to the Planning your CM education workbook/DVD? IF so then YES! I have just finished working my year and going through all my resources and making our school plan for next year. I LOVE this planner. You will find it will help you focus in on areas you thought you had under control, but maybe had too much scheduled for the time period. It will also help you list out your resources and find what you still need to decide on, plus how to fit it all in. Works best with CM type curricula but actually it is a plan you end up with and anything will fit. You will need to have a list of your resources at some point as you plug them in and divide them somehow, either by chapter, lesson, unit, etc. I think it is worthy investment and if you have friends who are in the planning stage also, it is fun to do together as well!

    Don’t be surprised though if you find yourself coming over to the completely CM way of thinking;) The planner makes it so easy to do, its almost inevitable! Remember CM isn’t a curriculum, its a philosophy, a way of teaching and learning and so, with the right mind set and the right scheduling, you could make lots of different resources work. (providing they aren’t pure ‘twaddle’, lol)


    OOps sorry, did not answer your question, too early in the morning!!  Yes the DVD is also invaluable to those of us who are mixing CM with other things.  I have the DVD, and planning was a breeze once I started following the very clear instructions.  So I highly recommend this resource, well worth time and money.


    Thank you, ladies for your input.  I appreciate you taking the time to give me your insights.  The planner looks like just the thing to help me think through our homeschool plan.  Now that my daughter is starting second grade, I feel more of an urgency to have a fuller plan.  The online organizer looks good too.  Thanks for the information about how that has been such a great help to you.

    P.S.  Thanks also for correcting my misspelling of “tweak!”Wink


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