Placement Question – just starting out

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  • Megan

    Hi everyone, I hope I’m not wearing out my welcome by asking too many questions, but I’m planning on starting with SCM this summer and I’ve been saving up some questions for you all…

    I guess I should start with an introduction…

    My name is Megan and I have two children, Emma 6 and Alex 4.  We’ll be starting SCM officially in July, just after Emma turns 7.  

    So my question is about what grade to start Emma in.  I’m thinking that it would make sense to start her at year 1, because she is just finishing Kinder, and, well, because it would make sense to start at the beginning!  I guess I’m just a little unsure, because I’ve realized that many here are starting their 5 and 6 yr. olds at yr. 1, and she’ll be 7.

     We  did the “gift of time” thing, putting her in private K after she had just turned 6.  (so she’s been ahead academically and has now caught up socially) Now that we’ll be homeschooling, I realize that her age doesn’t matter that much, and I’m assuming that yr. 1 will be challenging enough for her since there are lots of things that we’ll be doing at her specific pace.  Hope that makes sense – I’m not trying to compare her to others – just trying to make sure that we have a good fit.  I’m fine with having her graduate at 18, I think it will be good to have her home an extra year – so I guess that would be another good reason to start with yr. 1.  

    Sometimes it’s just good to hear the encouragement of others – it helps me to see the obvious!  Wink

    So what do you think?  What would YOU do?



    Hi Megan,

    I to am new to CM/homeschooling and from what I’ve learned here and from reading, it seems to me that you are on the right track. As you mentioned, one of the great things about homeschooling is the ability to go at the child’s pace. You may find as you are looking at materials that your daughter is a grade level ahead in one subject area and not in another. Really it seems that the “Year 1, 2, 3” etc. are most helpful to give us materials that fit age ranges. Looking at the SCM Cirricuculm guide I can see how it could fit a 5,6,7 year old – it seems that it really just depends on the individual child. Also, aren’t grade levels more useful for educators and publishers trying to match materials with the average age and ability level anyway? I attended both private and public schools and looking back, the material that was covered in each grade was aimed at the average student in the hopes of getting everyone. There was ALWAYS someone is my class that was ahead or behind. Some were real math whizzes for example. I guess where I’m going with this, is I’d look more at matching your subject materials up with Emma’s abilities, instead of feeling like you’re starting her late at 7 in year 1. if using the Year 1 “label” so to speak, helps you plan and organize, and you can use the majority of the materials from this with your daughter – great! It will likely save you some time. But I wouldn’t worry too much about whether she’s starting “late”. Worse case senario, and you find you are in fact late, I’d bet she catch up soon enough. From what I’ve read, there is more potenial for harm by starting children in academics too early, not by starting them late.

    Also, awhile back I read an eye-opening post from a member here (I think it was Robin), anyway, she didn’t even bother telling her kids what grade they were in, when they finished covering the material in a subject, they just started up with the next grade level. Not to knock long term planning here but it seems to me to be awfully hard to predict now if Emma will graduate at 18 or not. I’d imagine you’ll find her learning pace as you go along.

    This is a fabulous group, and they have done an amazing job at providing information, and answering questions. In addition to posting a question, I’m sure you’re aware that you can search the forum posts. I’ve found lot’s of my questions have already been asked and answered, and in one case recently, I just used the wrong tag words in my search, but the very same question was asked by someone else a year ago – I just missed it when I looked. 

    This is a great group and I’m sure someone with more expeirence will kindly step in and correct me if my opinions are incorrect for your situation. But from one “Newbie” to another – welcome! Best wishes in your planning and I hope you find all the answers you’re looking for!


    Thanks morgrace, My fist thought was to have her in year 1…guess I just wanted to see if that made sense to others who have used CM.  I don’t put too much weight on “grade levels”, but following the curriculum guide and sticking with a specific year really helps me for planning purposes – especially since this is my first year homeschooling.  As far as when she graduates, I guess my thought was just that if I pushed her ahead to yr. 2 now, and we stuck with SCM, she would be 17 instead of 18 – and I’m in no hurry to get her out of the house.  (and I can’t imagine that she would graduate older than 18…)  I realize that is a looong way off, and who knows what the future may bring, but I can’t help but to at least take what’s down the road into consideration – at least a little bit.  (I’m a planner by nature – sometimes to a fault….yes, I do trust the Lord with these decisions, and pray about them tons as well!)

    This forum is great, I agree – I’ve actually had almost all of my questions answered by searching other posts…I just felt I needed a little more help with this one – I didn’t find any posts on help with placing a child, but if there is one out there, anyone, please feel free to share the link.  I almost didn’t post this because I was really leaning toward yr. 1 anyways…but then I thought it couldn’t hurt….  

    Thanks again for your advice, and for the warm welcome!  

    Sonya Shafer

    I agree, Megan, that it makes sense to start at the beginning for history/geography/Bible. The other suggestions for first grade that are listed on the curriculum guide might be a good fit for your daughter or might not, depending on what she has already covered. 

    One of the great things about homeschooling is that we can customize our child’s learning. So many times a child might be in one grade level in math, another grade level in reading, etc. So feel free to pick and choose the materials that fit your daughter best.

    Does that help or just confuse things? Smile


    Dear Megan, Congratulations on starting Charlotte Mason!  Already you’ve made the best decision for your children.  Just start them where their abilities are and don’t worry about “grade levels”  there are no such things as “life levels” so it doesn’t really matter does it?  Enjoy the CM journey, it’s wonderful and you’ll be surprised how much you’ll learn too!Laughing


    Sonya, thank you, that does help.  After looking again at the guide, it makes so much sense to start at the beginning…it is a guide after all, that’s one of the things I love about SCM – the combination of direction, flexibility and organization!  

    I’m putting so much pressure on myself to get everything right…but I know I need to relax a little bit too, and just let things happen.  

    On another note, I wanted to tell you that I was so excited about your scripture memory system.  We started using it right away, and I just switched from keeping it on a nearby shelf to keeping it in the center of the breakfast table (right next to the napkins!)…something about having it right there staring at me helps me be more consistent with using it.  I just have to say that I love it – I’ve never had a very good way to keep the verses we already know in consistent review, and this has been the perfect answer to that!  Smile  I’m loving the all day seminar dvds, too…


    Cheryl, thanks so much for the welcome – I am so very thankful to have discovered the CM way early on.  I’m sure if I had gone another route, I would have ended up here sooner or later and I’m so glad it’s sooner!  


    Hi and welcome Megan!  Here is my brief situation.  My oldest has special needs and is in school in 2nd grade but turns 10 this summer.  My second has a mid sept bday so I started her in K when she turned 5 and quit after two weeks b/c she was totally not ready.  We are finishing 1st this year.  She has a cousin 5 weeks younger who is already in 2nd and we just say “well she wasn’t ready” and move on.  She does go to 2nd grade Bible school with her cousins and feels pretty cool “sneaking” into the older grade class.  Our youngest has an April bday and just turned 5 and will start K in the fall but with so much work with her older sis and what we do this summer, she is really doing K work right now just w/o formal phonics instruction.  I am a planner too so I do need (for myself) to have a grade idea, plus with things like rec league sports and Bible school and VBS she does need a grade label so I just label her with what I want for each.  A benifit of homeschooling for sure.  My friends who homeschool all have similar situations, kids a year apart in age doing the same year of school work, adopted children who need an extra year to learn English.  Just do what works best for your family and God bless!

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