picture study questions..long term – SCM team

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  • Misty

    Ok.. so I really like these, and I can see that I could ideally do 3 years worth with these wonderful packets doing 3 a year. I also, like the idea of doing 1 a term verses like 2.

    So I think someone asked but can’t find an answer: will you be doing other times? I don’t want to get stuck in the one time frame. I want to mix it up. Ideally I’d like to do a different time each term. Though I see I couldn’t do this right now :0(

    Also, will you do other types of artists? not just painting, but maybe someone with photography?

    Are you selling these well enough that you will continue to add to them?

    Thanks for this wonderful product!


    Sonya Shafer

    Hi, Misty. I’m glad the portfolios are proving helpful! Yes, we plan to continue to publish more of these. Our goal is to provide a variety of artists over the various time periods. Of course, some time periods will have more artist possibilities than others, because there were more people painting during those times. For example, we will be more limited with Ancient history but have an abundance for Renaissance. 

    We’re trying to figure out the best way to approach the more recent artists, since their works are still under copyright and we wouldn’t be able to print them. That might also prove a hindrance to doing photographers. However, Emily Cottrill and I were discussing a list of possible artists recently, and there are plenty of names to provide a lot of great picture study for many years.


    Sounds great thanks for the response!


    Could ypu do them by …. “The Age of Enlightenment &The 18th Century” (1700’s), Nineteenth Century (1800’s). 20th Century- World and U.S to 1950?  Maybe if you run out of famous Artists you could do Famous Paintings of Historical Monuments of different Countries…  I really wish I had some of different places on every continent. Ok, so maybe I am dreaming but this is an idea and ideas sometimes spur greater ideas… 🙂  Thoughts?


    I just wanted to say that I adore these portfolios, and they have been a blessing at our house. Thank you for producing them!

    Sonya Shafer

    chocodog, We’re trying to do a variety of time periods, following the traditional art history divisions. But we include the artist’s dates on each portfolio so you can easily see where they fit in world and U. S. history.

    Emily and I have discussed the possibility of doing some architecture eventually, but nothing definite. Right now we’re trying to get the major artists done. You might try to do a Google search for images of the historical monuments. That might give you a starting place for now.


    Thanks Sonya!  That is a good idea. I will try that. I was thinking of a picture study of Art of Architecture though. I wonder how long it would take me to search that?  I:)    

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