Can anyone give input on how important they think it is for kids to connect with the personality of their piano teacher? We have a teacher who is a kind, gentle man—-the former worship leader at our church, masters in music, very particular about playing perfectly. My 11yo dd seems to be a natural at piano and really enjoys playing, however as far as playing for fun she did that more with a previous ‘fun’ teacher. She is a people pleaser.
The dilemma is my kids now take a piano worship class with a retired music teacher who has incredible passion for the Lord and music that really comes out in his teaching. My dd now spends more time practicing (fun, extra play) for his class. This teacher also gives piano lessons and both my kids want to go with him. But my husband works with our current teacher—who also was not long ago demoted when the new pastor came in and wanted different worship (I think our teacher was too calm, laid-back for the new pastor’s desires for a large church). I don’t want to hurt his feelings, but think the other teacher can ignite more spiritual and musical passion. But they could still do piano worship with the lively teacher and lessons with our current one, too. What would you do? Sorry so long! :)Gina
Is the current music teacher your husband’s boss or just a co-worker? Not that it really matters either way, because who your children take lessons from is you and your husband’s choice. But it might make his working relationship easier if the current teacher is just a co-worker instead of an authority.
Also, I would probably put my kids with whomever was going to ignite passion in them, not just the teacher who gets them to play perfectly. A love for learning is what we’re trying to accomplish, and if one teacher is better at that than the other, I would go with the one who can inspire my children.
Bottom line is that you and your hubby should pray about it and see which teacher God has in mind for your children. God even cares about who teaches our children piano lessons! Allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you and your husband and let peace be the umpire of your heart.
Thanks for the input. That’s my gut feeling, but still need to pray and talk to my husband more. The current teacher is a co-worker, not boss, so that is better:) This seems like such a petty problem in the scheme of things, but is weighing on me. Thanks, need to pray!!! Gina
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