I spent 4 days entering in my resources. There were only a few all ready in the library. It was funny, as I searched for each one, it wouldn’t come up and I started feeling a bit conspicuous. Like I was going to get an email from someone saying… What ARE you sceduling! We can’t share that with other moms! How unCM! LOL
I have some computer programs, unit studies, copywork, readers, …. a variety let’s say. I do recall mentioning that I am CMish. I spent a lot of time searching for curriculum that would fit my children, fulfill their topics list, combine what I could, and be as much a living resource as possible. Applying the theory of living books to other media is an interesting thing to do. It is a year that my children will be shocked at I think as we have moved away from bordom and stepping closer to enrichment. I hope. We have always done alot of picture study and narration but had our fair share of workbooks , oops, did I say that outloud?
I was quite frustrated with scheduling on the CMO at first and almost threw in the towel. Then my husband had said something very encouraging so I decided to give the trial an honest try. I entered in all our resources and put in lesson assignments on most of them. Yes, that IS alot of typing. BUT…. my hope was that by doing the footwork NOW, I wouldn’t be forever adding notes each day as to what they accomplished. At the end of each week I can create a report to hand in to our teacher contact that is already detailed. I can use the notes boxes for my own observations and commentary if needed. I desperately wanted to see a spread of a week. I wanted to compare it to my paper scedule made up by doing the Planning Your Charlotte Mason Education book. (WHICH, by the way, having those worksheets beside me was invaluable to sceduling my resources balanced through the week.) Still, to be able to glance at the progress of my entries would have been much more helpful (note to Doug, sorry if that is the 102nd time you have heard that )
My point of this post is, IT WORKED! I am that special kind of geek that stayed up ’til midnight so I could click on “See tomorrow’s plan” to see if the lessons were all there for our first day of school thursday! They were! And it was so pretty! And I did it! One of the lesser organized mothers on the planet did it! I am excited to see how this rolls out for the next week or so. If you are chicken to try the CM Organizer, don’t be. What a blessing to be able to have a free trial! Thank-you SCM.
Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I’m sure it’s helpful to others on the same journey. I hope you’ll come back in a couple months and let us all know how it’s worked out for you.
Still, to be able to glance at the progress of my entries would have been much more helpful (note to Doug, sorry if that is the 102nd time you have heard that)
That’s okay. We need to hear the things that are important to everyone!