Pharaoh's of Ancient Egypt for module 1

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  • meesh

    I am about to start using module 1 with my kids.  I see the book “Pharaoh’s of Ancient Egypt” is scheduled for my 4-6 grader to read by themselves.  I was looking at the tapestry of grace website and they have this book scheduled for their rhetoric students (grades 10-12).  I am wondering if this book is going to be too hard for my 4th grader to read and comprehend.  Has anyone else used this book with a child of this age, and how did it go?  I am wondering why TOG has it listed for high school and SCM for elementary age?  Any ideas why?


    I have no idea why TOG has it listed for high school.  It is a simple Landmark book.  I have used it with ages 8-10 with no problems.  I think it’s a bit simple in its writing style for high school–Landmarks were intended for use with the middle grades.  I think it’s appropriate for 4th through-maybe 7th or 8th grade.  I’ve read it aloud to younger kids, who also had no difficulties with it. 


    Thanks Bookworm, now I feel okay with ordering the book for my 4th grader.

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