Peterson Alternative or Handwriting Without Tears

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  • Amy

    I am in search of the ideal handwriting curriculum for my left handed kindergarten son.

    I like the Peterson Handwriting.  The 3 lines, with the dotted center.  Green for the starting; red for the stopping.  The fingertracing.  But I prefer it to be straight up and down instead of slanted.

    I also am liking Handwriting Without Tears.  The simplicity of just the double line.

    Or is there something better altogether?


    I used HWOT with both of my girls, and they both loved it. I only used the first book with both (the orange one). My oldest dd is using HWOT cursive. She’s doing it on her on and she likes it. Both of my girls are right handed, not sure if that matters 🙂


    I used HWOT for my kids in the past, then this year, I tried just simply copy work.  It was difficult for my LH son to make the switch when we got to cursive.  He still needed some guidance with his letter formation, and I was ok with that.  So, we switched back, mid-year to HWOT cursive and it’s been WONDERFUL!  🙂

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