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  • Nina

    I am stumped on this.  I truly don’t like being outdoors that much, so just the nature stuff is hard for me.  What can I do for PE?  We don’t do organized sports.  So I have no ideas.  Do any of you????? 

    Rachel White

    Can’t the Swedish Drill be done inside, too? I want to start that next year. We don’t do any organized sports, either.

    You don’t have to be outside with them for “PE”. At my house “PE” is them being outside playing on the swing set, running w/the dogs, riding on the scooter, the bike, times at the park, etc.



    Hopscotch, two square/four square, relay races, trampoline, kites. Also look for back issues of Family Fun magazine (library or dr office) for tons of ideas. (It has a website, too).


    Thank You!

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