Pathway Readers vs. Rod & Staff reading program – Opinion?

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  • hollilee

    I’ve used a borrowed Rod & Staff Bible Nuture Series Reader with my almost 6 yr old son and we have both really enjoyed it. I am considering buying the Grade 1 “We learn about God” Reading Set, but also looking at the Grade 1 Pathway Readers set because it’s suggested here. Has anyone seen or used both? Can you give me some input on the differences or pros and cons.


    I wanted to tell you how much we are enjoying the Pathway Readers for Grade 1.  My dd wants to continue reading.  The words are simple at first, but they are big enough for kids to feel like they are truly reading their own story.  

    I’m sorry I can’t compare, but I am very pleased with these! 


    We have not used the Pathway Readers, but were looking to switch from the R&S Grade 1 “We Learn About God.”  My son (7) cannot stand these books.  In truth, the stories are good, but the material is presented in a very dry fashion and, honestly, it’s boring.  I do not blame him for not wanting to read these.  Hope that helps. 




    We have not used the R & S readers, but we have enjoyed the Pathway Readers.  The stories are simple and the same characters are used throughout the book (which my kids like: “I wonder what Peter is going to do next?”).  I like too how there is often some sort of moral – the kids do something well, or they do something poorly and learn from it.  Even when my 3rd grader was reading harder material, she still liked to come back to the Pathway Reader stories sometimes (I now just let her read them on her own time as free reading).

    Hope this helps,



    I have used the R&S readers with my dd7 since the beginning.  She is now working through the 3rd grade (along with the workbooks), and she loves them.  She will often read a couple of chapters ahead, and I have seen her rereading the 2nd grade books just for fun.  They are all Bible stories, and she really seems to be able to remember a lot of the details long term.  I haven’t looked into the Pathway Readers to compare, though, because my main interest in R&S was the Bible content.  Take care!



    Thanks for the input. The fortunate thing is that both programs are very affordable.


    As an update to my original question regarding comparing the two reading programs: I recently bought the grade 1 complete reading set with all workbooks and teachers manuals for both the Rod & Staff Bible Nuture Series and the Pathway Reading Series so I could compare them. After reviewing all of the materials I wanted to share my opinion. Remember, I haven’t completed either program, just reviewed the materials. I plan to use the Pathway set for it’s ease of use and the reading level meets my sons needs better. The R&S Bible Nuture Series Phonics workbook and Reading workbook for grade 1 seemed more at a 4-5 yr old level.  Because I like the bible content, I plan to use the readers, the worksheets book for it’s memory verses, and the handwriting practice book.  


    I did used the pathway readers to homeschool my children when they were young. My oldest is 34years old. Now my granddaughter lives with me and we are using the pathway readers as a supplement to her Christian school reading program. She loves them and asks to read them. She is in first grade and just loves Peter Rachel and Rover.


    I’ve never used R&S readers but my kids LOVE Pathway readers.  Sometimes, we even have to read beyond the assigned reading to find out what is going to happen.

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