Pathway readers

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  • caycecronk

    We are using the delightful reading kit and we are just getting to the actual reading lessons although he has been reading some bob books and scholastic reader books and doig quite well with those. We have the first three pathway readers so when and how should we start these?


    When you think your child is ready to start reading one of the books, plan to sprinkle it throughout the week. I would have him just read a page or so to you daily, every other day, whatever works for you. You want to know that he can have success and be encouraged with his progress. I have frustrated children before by started on a particular book too soon and pushing through. That takes the joy out of the process.

    Christine Kaiser

    I started homeschooling my DD after K, so we was a beginning reader. We started with “First Steps”. If your child has good letter recognition and can already read simple 2-3 letter word, colors etc your child should be ready for the First Steps:)


    Thanks guys! I think we are gonna start with first steps and go slowly! He has the Bob books down to a science but is now ready for more challenge i think!


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