Pathway readers


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  • binky

    Anyone used them? What did you think?

    Sara B.

    Love them!  My 2 oldest girls are reading wonderfully now, plus they love the books.  🙂


    We like them too. My dd is about halfway through the second second grade book. Normally she reads these out loud to me as reading practice, but I’ve caught her sneaking off with it and reading ahead multiple times in the last few weeks. =)



    All my children love them.  One of my daughters will only read from them (for her reading lesson time).  It’s what got her really going with reading.  My kids also choose to read these for their free reading.  I find them all over the house. 🙂


    Great!  Sounds like the way to go.  Did y’all use the workbooks as well?


    Love love them. We’ve used them all along … we don’t use the workbooks. Rather, my girls just read aloud from them to me for 10 minutes a day. The story is sweet and full of character. Good stuff.


    So if you don’t get the workbooks do you need the teachers guide. Do they just learn the phonics by reading them? Do you just help them with words they come to that they don’t know?


    Great question, binky. You know, I use them for elocution … just to polish their reading aloud/phonics mastery/inflection rather than for phonics instruction. We use something else for that. Yes, I sit with my kids individually as they read and we talk about words/sounds/punctuation that might pose to be tricky. Then we always discuss the story and the lessons, informally. 


    We’ve never used the workbooks or the teacher’s guide. We just used them for reading practice and developing fluency, not for introductory phonics exposure. We had done basic phonics/reading instruction (with practice reading from some things like Bob Books) and read through a Dick and Jane reader (doing some CM/Delightful Reading style reading lessons alongside) before we started with the first First Grade Pathway Reader. I do continue to spot teach phonics as needed in the words she stumbles over as we come across them.


    Sara B.

    I started my 1st with phonics before we discovered CM.  Took her forever to learn to read…  Took my 2nd a long time, too, until I discovered CM’s method, and voila, she learned pretty quickly.  I have never used the workbooks.  In the 1st grade preprimer, when they’re ready for it, I go through and introduce the new words CM-style – visually learning the whole word – just like we’d done for the basics like the BOB books, etc.  We don’t read the chapter until they know all the words anywhere first.  We do this for each chapter, until they’re reading very well (so far, that has been most of the 1st grade reader, but my 3rd coming up may be different).  2nd grade is just reading and practicing.  By the 3rd grade book, I noticed my oldest could just read it on her own and tell me what she read.  By the middle of that book, I said, “Have at it.  You can read.”  My 2nd is working through the first 1st grade book after preprimer (what is it – “Days Go By” I think?).  She still needs to read to me outloud – for now.  She has been reading Nancy Drew Notebooks on her own lately and comprehending.  I think she might be further along than I think she is.  😛  I may find I need to jump ahead to some 2nd grade books instead.

    I hope this gives you an idea of how we’ve used them.

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