So, I have a 5yo that I think would enjoy these readers (also an 8yo that would love to read them to him:). But, I did not realize that there were so many and that they went up to 6th grade or something like that (I saw the ‘grade-level packs’ on the R&S website). For those of you that have them which ones would you recommend having for sure??
I plan on using the Delightful Reading (with a twist) for teaching my ds to read, but I don’t want to pass up these readers and others that have been mentioned. I was looking at the McGuffey readers and one other one but I forget the name.
You know, this method has brought so many good books (habits/ideas) to my attention….I so wish that I would’ve known about this when my oldest was young. And, understood it’s benefits:)
We used First Steps through New Friends. One of my boys loved the accompanying workbooks. There are sets all the way through 8th grade – you can see them here. 🙂
We’ve only read the 1st grade readers: Days Go By, etc. My dds have enjoyed them very much. I am not using the workbooks this year. My odd didn’t like them. Just reading for enjoyment! I plan to buy the 2nd grade readers for 6 yr old dd’s reading next fall.
We started with First Steps and now are in More Days Go By, my son enjoys them quite a bit for fun reading. He did not like the workbook though so we don’t do those anymore, which makes for some cheap readers! I think as far as which ones to recommend, if your boys like them, just keep going with them until they don’t:)
We love them here. I have never used the workbook, so I can’t comment on those. The books are sweet stories, sometimes with a great learning message we talk about after (keeping secrets, sharing, sibling relationships, etc.). We are currently on the second 2nd grade book. I have them through 3rd grade, but I might buy more because she really enjoys reading about “Peter and Rachel.”
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