Pathway Readers

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  • Cindie2dds

    I LOVE these!  More importantly my dd loves them!  I was a little unsure since there aren’t any samples online (that I could find) and I like to have my grubby, little hands on items before I buy them now.  Anyway, these are a gem.  Thanks for recommending them, Sonya!

    Sonya Shafer

    I’m having fun getting reacquainted with Peter, Rachel, and Andrew these days. My youngest started reading last month and is almost done with First Steps. Praise the Lord!


    How wonderful!  Don’t forget little Miriam.  Such a dear, sweet name, and so hard to pronounce for a young girl missing a front tooth and the other one wiggling as she talks.  I need to record it!

    My dear mother-in-law called me today and told me she got Juliette a red wagon for her birthday tomorrow!  She’s going to be so surprised.  She thought it would be good for our nature collecting and gardening experiments.  It is such a blessing to have her live next door!

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