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  • momto2blessings

    Or they could do the same SCM guide separately….I forget if your oldest is 4th yet? My 5th and 8th graders are doing SCM history independently this year (same period). I like to read Bible together and we’ll do the geography readings together, but history will be on their own. Your younger ones could just read the age appropriate books and skip the family spine, too….


    We will have dd12 do the module alone and I will still do some family work with ds9 and dd6, but ds9 will likely do some on his own, too.


    I really do like the SCM modules, although the spacing of the years isn’t my preference…. but my kids LOVE. ‘Our Island Story’ and ‘Child’s History of the World’ and hadn’t felt that way about other books we tried.


    Separate SCM guides is most likely what I’ll be doing with our youngest two DC after this year’s Texas history. Good suggestion! ;0)


    Suzukimon, I guess I will the odd man here, since I use AO and just a little bit of SCM. I have told you before (at the AO forums) that you need to do what is necessary for your family. If you need to cut down that’s what you have to do. I just hope you do this cause it’s the best for your family and not because other people’s opinions on a particular curriculum. I dont do other forums (just here and AO) so I dont know what’s going on. But if it is the copyright issue I do agree that if you put hard work on something and others go ahead and use the material but dont say who did it, it’s breaking the copyright law. I dont really know the details of what is going on so this is just my opinion.

    I do hesitate a little bit to post on this forum now since I have read several times people say things in the line of “AO people are CM snobs and they think they are the only ones who do it right.” Since I am an AO person (I use AO) I feel that if I comment I will be attacked (this is just my feelings, nobody has been mean to me here, in fact this is a place I used to love to visit) just because I use this specific curriculum. Please, please, dont make general comments like that, cause not all AO users are like that.

    Suzukimon, I will be praying for you. I hope you find what you need at this moment for your kids. Praying for your health as well.


    Let me say that I am not trying to stir up a debate, but I feel I should be more clear about my previous posts. 

    @clay1416 and others who use AO as the framework for their homeschools – I want to offer an apology. I should have been more clear in my previous posts on this thread that not all, not even a majority, of AO followers have been “snobby”, but when I have encountered that feeling, for lack of a better way of putting it, it’s come from AO users. I’m afraid I made it sound like I think all AO followers are snobby and that couldn’t be farther from the truth or my point. The point is that I think options are good. AO is a wonderful resource that has had countless hours poured in lovingly over the years. The same goes for many others who are trying to advance the philosophy of CM whether through the blog world, book clubs, free resources and ideas, or wonderful ready made products that cost money. 

    My issues stem from 2 things: one is the snobbish attitude that I’ve encountered several times from some AO followers and this to the point of actually discrediting or disparaging the work of others who desire to share the CM philosophy with the world; and the other is the way that the AO Advisory is trying to defend a copyright of a booklist by threatening legal action against one who has never sold a product, but has simply shared how she has made many of AO’s booklist suggestions work for her family. I’m speaking of Lindafay Johnson of HUFI and CMH. I do not personally know Lindafay, but I have utilized her sites as well as AO, a great deal over the years and Lindafay has never offered a product to sell, has always referenced AO appropriately and has simply shared which books her family enjoyed or didn’t. Because of AO’s threatening letter to Lindafay, she will remove a good bit of info. from her websites that benefit a HUGE number of people. It is because of how this was handled that I am uncomfortable recommending AO to anyone going forward. I am not in any way knocking their work or the usefulness of it. It is very good. It just does not sit well with me that others who share a vision to advance CM methodologies, etc. are misjudged. Lindafay shared this on the HUFI forum:

    I have no intention of fighting AO. That is not who I am. May theLord bless them as He works in each one of their lives to Hisglory. I am moving on. So let’s wrap up this discussion on thisforum and get on to more important things.

    She is a woman of integrity and I would be honored to meet her someday. In the meantime, her werbsite and blog have loads of useful information that I am comfortable recommending to others along with SCM and a variety of other blogs. I wish the AO Advisory or AO users well in their choices and echo Lindafay’s blessing upon them.

    I will not be adding any further to this discussion, but I felt that my previous posts warranted a bit of explanation. 




    I dont mean to steal suzukimom’s thread so I will be brief.

    Christie: thanks for your kind words. It does help me feel more at peace to visit this forum. Please know that I am just now learning of what happened. I will be praying for all of those involved.

    Doug Smith

    @clay1416, You are always welcome here. Please don’t be afraid to post, even if your opinion differs from others. Hopefully, we’ll all benefit and learn from those differences.

    We want this forum to be known for being a kind and safe place where everyone is repectful, even in disagreement. There shouldn’t be any attacking going on here. If there is, we step in and put a stop to it—usually privately, behind the scenes.

    One of our goals is to help homeschooling families find what best fits their style and life situation. If that’s our materials, great. But if something else is a better fit then we’re more than happy to help point someone in another direction. (Those of you who’ve visited us at a convention and had one of us walk you over to another vendor’s booth to show you their products know exactly what I mean by that. Smile )

    Regarding AO and their actions, none of us really have both sides of that story or speak on behalf of those involved, so I think it’s best if we drop that part of the discussion.

    However, I can say this. The folks at AO have done a tremendous job of blessing so many homeschoolers by bringing Charlotte Mason’s wonderful ideas to the forefront. The learning that has taken place through that foundation now enables many of us to help others. I thank everyone at AO for their hard work and we at SCM will continue to honor them through following their guidelines, as we always have.


    And I do just want to say I wasn’t trying to stir things up here… and I’m not trying to take sides as I know I don’t know the whole story…. it just stirred up feelings from the past with me and AO… and as I contemplated the possibility of not using their program, one of the feelings I experienced was relief…. which makes me think that although last year it was definitely the right choice for my family…. this upcoming year I don’t think it is.

    But I needed to talk it through with friends…

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