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  • suzukimom

    Ok – in theory we are starting school on Tuesday.  I don’t think that is going to happen….

    I had planned to do mostly AO (Canadian changes) again this upcoming year… my kids work well independently and we don’t do well with “family” work.   I was a bit worried that it might be a bit heavy, but planned to just do it at our own pace (treating each AO week as a module… finish one then start the next.)

    But – a bit of a controversy is going on around AO right now, which – although a different topic – is giving me the same “feel” as a couple of years ago when I left AO because of a religious controversy (dealing directly with my religion.)   It is really making me feel like I don’t really want to do AO…. but then my kids like a lot of the books… it is kind of nice having it all planned out and being able to make comments like “you will get to do such-and-such book next year!”   

    But again, I almost felt a bit of relief as I though about not doing AO – because we could do less and how much better that would feel.   

    But then I start looking at the list and thinking – well we wouldn’t want to miss this, etc…   and I’ve found some great books through AO I probably never would have looked at….

    ARGH – What do I do!?!



    No advice here, but I must say that I will no longer recommend AO due to the ongoing issues. I find their stance and attitude one I don’t wish to endorse. Just my 2 cents.


    I’m all for simpler/easier. We can always add more books if we finish early, but having so many books (like AO does) and not getting through them would make me crazy.



    I’ve used books from the AO list and haven’t been on the new forum at all. Can you just use what you want from the list and schedule and avoid the forum all together? Just a thought. I know its tough now that you’ve already seen the opinions flying on the forum. Guess I’ll continue on with not even going there. :/



    Actually, on the forum, the opinion is mostly all for AO.  It is on other forums that I’m on, that the opinion is all the other way.  But this is giving me the same bad taste as the religion one – which really honestly bugged me.  I can’t explain it…

    I think I’m going to have to get out my “Planning your CM Education” book and go through it and do some hard thinking.   Yes, I can use some of AO’s book suggestions, and probably will…  For the moment I’m going to keep the History books (not sure about the scheduling…) for the years we are on.  Everything else I’m going to have to think heavily on…



    Suzukimom, it’s the AO people’s attitude that I find distasteful. I’ve seen it in person many times, too. They’re copyrighting a book list and threatening lawsuits. Other websites have always been supportive of AO and simply sought to make the huge feast a bit less overwhelming. There is a distinct, “this is the only real CM” vibe and a distinct anti-capitalism (against SCM and others who make and sell things supportive of a CM education) vibe from AO that I find, let’s just say distasteful. It’s as if AO’s advisory is the only one who should be advancing the work of CM. I and many others have used and appreciated the work of AO for years. To threaten those who have been nothing but helpful, I simply don’t understand.


    I don’t have a clue what’s going on on AO as we don’t use them, but what I will say is that i have stopped using different resources because of our religious views, and I have added things that others would just leave out as ‘not important’ although we feel it’s very important.  I say pray, go with your gut and do what you feel comfortable with.  Know that no matter what you do or don’t do God is going to lead you and make it a good year.  Misty


    I’ve never attempted AO because of the vast amounts of work (books) involved.  I’m with Tristan, I’d be frustrated with not getting it done.  I know you have some significant outside (not school related) challenges and I’ve always awed that you kept with AO.  You can always add-on if you need more, using something else might take off a little pressure.  OR you could drop out of all the other forums and just stick with us!  I think we’ve got enough girls here that are familiar with AO and even use it – that you could probably find the support you need without participating in any other forum…. at least, I’m quite content not participating in any with all the great advice I get here, yet it still has a small, personal feel to it, so I don’t have to wonder about whether or not whoever is replying is a “real” person as opposed to a super-amazing online created personality!  LOL!

    We love you!  Don’t let that outside stress be a burden to you, you have enough burdens to carry. (don’t we all! without forum dramas!)


    A lot of what’s been said here about the vastness of AO’s book lists simply reminds me of how much the SCM Curriculum Guide is a breath of fresh air to me!


    Along with all of the great book lists suggested by SCM’s wonderful members!


    I agree Sue. I also appreciate the SCM team’s willingness to discuss other curricula and products here.


    You’ve nailed it missceegee! we can talk about all products and nobody minds! the people who run this “outfit” are wonderful!!


    I agree that there is a different feel to the forums at AO.  I do check both here and there daily, and gain information from moms on both forums, but I don’t follow either AO or SCM completely.  I reference both to choose books and also to help me decide how much we should be doing.  I do have to remind myself, though, that there is that attitude of ‘all or nothing’ on the AO forum, which I have to filter out.  I made specific choices that I feel are best for my family, and that I’ve decided that I’m okay with not being “Pure AO.”  Sometimes if I find myself getting anxious about ‘doing it right’, I take a break from the forum.

     I’m not sure what all the fuss is about (I have read the thread on the AO forum, but don’t know which sites they seem to have problems with, and haven’t read any other sides) but I wouldn’t scrap all your planning for the year at this point, just because of a controversy.  Don’t throw out the baby with the bath water.  I don’t see anything wrong with using many of AO’s recommendations without hanging out on their forum or worrying about whether you are doing everything, in the ‘right’ order, etc.   Good books are good books, regardless of where you got the ideas. 

    Adjust if you really feel like you need to adjust.  Otherwise, carry on forward, and see what happens.  Drop a book, or a chapter, or whatever you need to make a manageable load.  Combine students for some things if it makes it easier, or don’t if it doesn’t.  We are combining Parables of Nature and Little Pilgrim’s Progress, for example, because I want to do them aloud and don’t see the point in reading them twice.  History, on the other hand, we are keeping separate because my year 1 just doesn’t have the attention span to sit through some of the history books that I know my year 3 will enjoy.  Parables will be more than enough to challenge him that area!




    Well, I think I’m going to redo my plans a bit…

    This is my thoughts – I’m going to use most of the AO History and Geography books – but not necessarily as scheduled – for this year…

    For Science – I wanted to do “Science in the Beginning”.  I may drop Burgess Animal Book for Echo (she didn’t like BBB at all) and the year 3 science books for Delta…

    Literature – I’m just going to pick one of the lit books for the first term… and then pick another.  Delta would probably like to do Jungle Book (it will complete a Cub Badge for him…), and probably Undertsood Betsy for Echo.  I think we will continue Pilgrim’s Progress (with the audiobook) as well…  will have to decide about the Shakespeare and everything else….

    I wanted to start ‘Writing with Ease’ with Delta – this might give me the time to do it…

    Add in our math, reading practice/remediation….   

    will have to figure things out…


    Have you ever considered doing two separate SCM history guides, so that they’re still separate, but you still get the wonderful resources SCM puts out?


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