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  • Thezookeeper

    This morning when I opened my organizer nothing was there but the bookfinder!  I started to panic – what happened?  where is it???  And then…  ahh… it’s just that my free trial period is over.  I paid, and voila! My organized school life was back!  Thank you so much for this organizer.  In only the trial period it has changed our homeschool life so much for the better that I really can’t see us being without it.  Smile THANK YOU!!  


    Yup, I wouldn’t do without it (if at all possible) either!


    I second that.  I started my trial period about a month ago (signed up about a week ago) and it has really helped keep us on track.  (It helps that I’m a ‘check-mark’ kinda girl).  But it’s great to have all the planning on the computer, instead of on paper… when we miss a day on paper, then all that ‘planning’ is messed up and I’d have to erase a lot to get it right again.  Or if we start a book or a workbook, and find that the assignments or reading is taking longer than I thought it would, or a resource I chose just isn’t going to work for us afterall (or I find an extra one I think would be great and I’d like to add it in), then it’s such an easy thing to adjust to with the organizer.

    I am 7 months pregnant and tired, but because of this organizer we are steadily chugging along here.  Before the baby comes (due on Christmas Day, 11wks 1day) I will have our next ‘semester’ all planned out and ready to go again for when we’re settled in with the new baby.  In the past, those couple of weeks of ‘settling in’ have easily turned into a couple of months because I’ve been so overwhelmed with the planning of it all and just getting started again.

    The progress my 7yo has made in reading just in the last month alone puts a great big smile on my face.  I love this organizer and couldn’t imagine homeschooling without it.  Smile THANK YOU!!

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