Paddle to the Sea Q.

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  • mamakof4

    Is Paddle to the Sea a read in one sitting kind of story book?

    I saw it recommended for my childrens levels for geography but I am curious if it is just

    a supplement to a regular geography study.

    I am thinking of using Charlotte’s geography book and the Long’s Home book (as shown on Ambleside)


    We started and stopped this book awhile back and plan to read soon for my younger set of boys. I do not plan to read it in one sitting. Feel free to read it once/twice a week or whatever. But one sitting, for us, would be too much and probably not recommended.

    I plan to purchase the cute little canoes from hobby lobby, too.



    I personally think it has more impact if you stretch it out a bit and follow the journey on your own map. Getting the kids to find each place along the way, etc. there are actually a lot of mapping activities that could be done to go with this book. This is just my humble opinion. Maybe someone else will think otherwise! ; )



    We read one ch a week and follow on a map. I add in some CM elementary geo. at different times.


    I plan to use the same books you mentioned, also, just forgot to add that go my post. Sorry.



    I found a bunch of stuff I’m excited to sift through and use when we do Paddle to the Sea, which we’ll do as a weekly read aloud, 1 or 2 or 3 chapters at a time.


    I guess I could just say “ditto.”  🙂 We did Tree in the Trail last year and read 1 to 2 chapters each week. I have planned to read 2 chapters each week of Minn and then Paddle to the Sea this year. But I’ve found these chapters to be a bit longer than Tree in the Trail, so maybe one would suffice. Ds usually wants me to keep reading, so we’ll see. 🙂 It would definitely be too much to try to read the whole thing in one sitting. Take your time and enjoy them. They are wonderful books.



    AO has it in year 1, stretched over the whole year – about 1 chapter a week.


    oh wow, I didn’t even notice the Paddle to the sea wasn’t a picture book! It’s a chapter book then?

    I saw on Ambleside it is listed there but didn’t realize it was set to be read throughtout the year.

    Also, I found the geography plan a little confusing there, are they suggested only reading parts of the

    CM geography book and the Long Home’s book?


    I would would call Paddle a long picture book. It is a picture book, though. The chapters are not overly long at all.

    I’m sorry, I can’t help with AO’s CM geography plan. Maybe someone else can?



    The new AO geography plan – it is new this year – takes the concepts from Mason’s books and Long’s book and co-ordinates them, and uses them over several years.

    susie in ms

    We read this last year with AO Y1, like mentioned, over the year. The chapters are 1 page each. A 2 page spread where one is the picture and the other the text. It is very good and rich. You could read it in one setting, but it would  be quite a bit to digest that quickly. Especially the little maps and diagrams.


    Thanks for all the input ladies and thanks susukimom for clarifying that!


    Beautiful Feet has a teachers guide that has all 4 of the Holling books in it. I have it and plan to use it this year with my younger kids. 


    I am using Beautiful Feet Geography with my 9 year old and her best friend – we do one lesson per week including the mapwork with the beautiful maps available with the curriculum. We have completed three lessons thus far and have thoroughly enjoyed it. We are reading @ 3 chapters (each about one page long) each week. HTH


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