The title pretty much says it all. We are planning a move to Southeastern PA (Bucks, Montgomery County or somewhere near there).
I was wondering if anyone has advice on which school districts to avoid and which to embrace based on how homeschool friendly they are. I am dreading homeschooling there to begin with as we are coming from AZ (which is SO easy) and so I am trying not to make my transition harder by moving into a “hostile” school district.
I don’t want to use a state-provided curriculum although I know I will have to test to meet state requirements. I have just read stuff about people getting hassled from their school district/superintendant about their portfolios or affidavits or “something” b/c the school wasn’t really happy that the kid was being homeschooled. And then another poster would say that they never had any trouble in their particular school district.
So I just thought that maybe there was someone in the southeastern PA region that had a good or bad experience with their portfolios, etc. Meaning that you did all that was required by law but the school was just being a stinker and trying to require you to jump through more hoops.
I am in the area you are looking to move but I can’t speak to the entire district areas. I’m in chester county. I haven’t heard much complaining from anyone I know that homeschools. I have read online the idea of homeschool friendly districts but I don’t know where that’s coming from. Overall, if you’re within the laws requirements they can’t really do much of anything! Join HSLDA too. They are very helpful.
I am in central PA, so I can’t help as far as knowing what the school districts are like in the area you are looking at. What I can tell you is that, although PA may have more oversight than a lot of states, it really is not difficult to fulfill the requirements. some districts may be friendlier than others, but homeschooling has grown by leaps and bounds since I started in 1997. So, I’m sure there are many good districts in the area that you are looking at. Here are some hs links for Bucks and Montgomery counties that may be of help. you could contact some of these hs group leaders and probably get some information that will help you decide. If you just search for homeschoolers in the preferred counties, you probably will find more. HTH