Wood ticks die at -30* F. So moose need at least one night of -30 to get the ticks off their bodies
Ice skates will not work at -30*f (not windchill) because the way ice skates work is by melting the ice to make them glide. At -30 they will no longer glide
Eyeballs can freeze (or get frostbite) at -55*F (air temp or windchill). So if it is -55 where you are blink a lot or wear ski goggles. Also at -55*F a strong wind can cause your eardrum to freez and perforate. So wear your hats!!!
At 0*F or colder you can throw a cup of boiling water out the back door and watch it turn instantly to steam, snow and ice.
It can not get to cold to crack your teeth- this is an old wives-tale.
Finally at 32* or colder NEVER put your tongue on anything outside, espically metal. If you or your kids do get your tongues stuck, water (warm or cool water) dumped on the tongue will free it. Do not pull it off without water.
Having lived in IA, NE, OK, KS, TX, OK, AR, AK and probably some others I can’t remember off-hand, we go out in pretty much all kinds of weather. We are back in Alaska now, and I can say for certain that we spent many more days inside because of triple-digit temps in TX than we do here because of cold. The amount of time outside and what we wear may change, but getting some fresh air just makes the whole day better. It was in the 40’s here today and mine were out ice skating all afternoon (we live on a lake). They came in sweaty and tired and complaining about how hot they were! Guess they’ve acclimated, lol!
We live in Alaska and my young ones don’t go outside to play much below 25 degrees. They get far too cold too fast even with hats, gloves, and skipants.
Now there are folks that wear shorts and t-shirts here when it is cold but I bet you if they got locked out of their car or went in the ditch they might be wishing they had planned a bit better.