Outdoor Secrets vs 106 Days of Creation (vs Jack's Insects)

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  • OK so I’ve had Outdoor Secrets for a few years and read it to my 7- and almost-9-yo a couple of years ago. But I was just looking at the Companion sample for that and now… ugh! So I was thinking I’d do 106 Days of Creation next school year with those two kids (will be 2nd and 4th next year)… but now I’m thinking about my 4.5yo who quite honestly gets a little neglected on some of this stuff. <sigh> So I find myself thinking well maybe I should do Outdoor Secrets with him next year (which technically won’t even yet be Kindergarten since his bday is in October although he will likely be doing some K stuff of course). The Companion Book is doing it to me! It’s not my fault! lol

    And then I started looking at Jack’s Insects. <sigh> 

    So… any recommendations considering the ages? The two older ones do a LOT of their subejcts together, but the 4.5yo kind of does his own thing. I don’t have to do Outdoor Secrets with him if it’s really too early though. Maybe just 106 Days next year with all 3 of them? I feel like I’m not challenging the older one enough, the middle one is pushed  in a good way, and the preschooler is lost in the mix. <insert the “mom guilt trip” sigh here>

    My head is spinning. And just when I thought I had it figured out….


    Well I have Jack’s Insects but my ds9 is not ready for that. I would wait on OS with the prek and just do nature study and various picture books of interest. I think the prek could tag along on 106 days and the older two do the activity sheets from CGC. That is just my opinion.

    We do science twice a week as a family plus nature study one day. ds9 reads Christian Liberty Press Nature Reader twice a week for independent assigned reading.

    No need for mom guilt. They are still young and you have some good ideas. I have my two together for the family science and they do fine. Science is not a skill-based subject like math or reading.


    I agree with wings2fly on the 106 Days. I am also looking to do that this coming year, and from the looks of it, 106 days seems like it would be fitting for a 4.5 yo to tag along.

    Thanks! I think I will stick with my original plan then and stop oooking.

    Darn those SCM resources though… I never really looked at the OS Companion until yesterday and then ended up thinking, “Awww, this looks so good, too!” I know it’s not like this, but I found myself thinking of it as a nature-ized FIAR for my little guy with the various book and activity supplements.:)


    I’m struggling with the same issues!  I just purchased OS with the guide and have also been gathering supplies for CGC/106 Days.  Jack’s Insects also looks wonderful and I currently have 2 DC in that age range.  I’ve been thinking of:

    –stretching 106 Days into 2 years (adding in a few more living books) and taking a break for OS/Jack’s Insects next spring/summer

    –OS once a week, before our nature walk, letting the older ones join in as well…106 Days on the other days of the week

    –OS with 4 & 6yo, 106 Days with 8 & 11yo (and possibily Jack’s Insects)


    Bringing this back up.  I have 106 days and did it 4 or so years ago with the olders.  The ten year old only remembers bits and pieces.  I have a 6 year old first grader this fall who has not done it at all.

    We like Apologia and the oldest two (15 and 13) are doing the higher levels of that next year.  My 10 yr. old wants to do the new Apologia book next year.

    We also have Outdoor Secrets.

     We also want to continue to do basic nature walks and journaling using Handbook of Nature Study.

    Too many choices.  Any suggestions?  Should I do 106 Day with the 6 yr. old?  I was going to casually go thru Zoology 1 from Apologia with her.  She is interested.  We will be reading James Herriot and Burgess Bird as part of her regular schooling per AO schedule. I can’t do everything, and can’t decide.  I love it when non-homeschoolers ask, “How do you find curriculum?”  I say, “How do I narrow it down there is soooo much to choose from!”


    You are right that sometimes there are too many good options, making it harder on us to choose. We started with Apologia and liked it but I also like variety so we alternate living books with Apologia, changing each 1 – 2 terms. Outdoor Secrets can be done in only one term or do that one day per week all year and another book the rest of the week. We used Zoology 1 for the insect study in the summer and then changed to Burgess Bird Book for the bird study in the winter. I really think the Apologia books are better starting at age 7 but my 6 yo does okay tagging along with her older brother. I hope that gives you some ideas. It is what has worked for us.


    Thanks, Wings2fly. Was thinking of doing Outdoor Secrets one day a week. And reading thru Zoology 1 just casually over the year and talking about it and narrating it.

    But I like your idea of dividing it by terms.

    Outdoor Secrets could be done in one term. We’ve already done two lessons out of it this year because the timing was perfect.

    Burgess Bird selected chapters another term and then…?

    Maybe James Herriot or CLP Nature Readers 1 and 2 maybe for a third term.

    I sort of like the idea of doing 106 days with her first – minus the CGC portion as she is too young. That way she has a solid idea of creation. Then move on to the Apologia books in following years so that she can build upon her understanding of the days of creation.

    If I remember, 106 days is very doable a few times a week – especially if we are not doing the CGC portion. That would leave a day each week to do whatever was decided for that term – Outdoor Secrets, James Herriot, or Burgess Bird.

    So say, For term 1- M,W,F we do 106 days and on T nature study and Th Outdoor Secrets. Make sense?


    That would work. Also you don’t have to do science/nature study 5days per week. And OS Companion has a lot of nature study within it already if you are doing the companion lessons. The important thing is to study something of interest and encourage observation and a love for learning. Have fun with it.

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