Outdoor secrets and considering gods creation!

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Science & Nature Study Outdoor secrets and considering gods creation!

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  • caycecronk

    Would be combining these two together be too much for a second grader? We didn’t do considering gods creation fr first grade because of the age requirement. For those who have used it is it age appropriate for a second grader and would it pair well with outdoor secrets? Don’t want to overkill. We will either start AIGs curriculum or apologia for third grade!


    You could combine them if you need to, but IMO, it would be overkill.  

    CGC is a LOT of cutting and pasting unless you are just going to read and discuss. You might need to take that into consideration. 😉 It is a good resource, but I just finished getting all the books for OS and I think that it would be plenty for a second grader – and probably much more enjoyable!



    Thanks! Don’t want to overkill. Would it be good for third grade?


    CGC would be good for a 3rd grader, especially one who enjoys cut and paste projects.  


    Ditto 4myboys!

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