Outdoor Geography and A Child's Geography Vol 1

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Geography Outdoor Geography and A Child's Geography Vol 1

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  • I have a ds7 who is finishing up Gr 1 and I’m trying to plan what to do next year for Geography, apart from the Geography lessons scheduled in the modules (we’ll be starting module 2 next).  

    I’ve read the section on Outdoor Geography in the Early Years Handbook and it makes a lot of sense to me to teach him this before we move on to A Child’s Geography Vol 1, which I already have.  I have read previous posts on this book and it seems like it is a book that is either loved or hated Smile

    I would like to try it but don’t know at what age is best?  I skimmed through it and a lot of the terms seem quite advanced for a 7/8yo?

    So, my two questions are:

    Has anyone gone through the Outdoor Geography points (as laid out in the Early Years Handbook), and taught their kids the basics, such as position of the sun, distance between locations, time it takes to cover a distance, direction as per position of the sun, wind’s direction, using a compass, boundaries, drawing maps of his neighbourhood etc. etc.?  How did you do it?  How did you fit it in as it seems like a lot of time outside…..and did you use any other books to help explain these concepts?

    If you did do ‘A Child’s Geography Vol 1’, how old were your children and how did you schedule it and any other tips or advice you’d be willing to share?!

    Many thanks!


    bump 🙂


    Is this Hilyers book you are talking about?


    I can’t find these books on the website, but I’m intrigued as it sounds like things to teach I hadn’t thought of.

    No, it’s not Hillyer’s book. I’m referring to A Child’s Geography Vol 1 by Ann Voskamp.  

    The other book is the “Early Years Handbook” written by Sonja on this website.  It has a section called Outdoor Geography which includes all the points I mentioned above.  It’s actually CM’s notes on teaching young children geography while outside doing nature study. 

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