Outdoor Challenge??

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  • Christine Kaiser

    Seems like the Outdoor Challenges are no longer available for free?:( Bummer !! I planned to base all this years Nature Study on it:(. Anyone having another good resource for Nature Study ideas?


    Ugh….I didn’t know that.  Keep meaning to get to them, but never do! I haven’t been as faithful as I should, but just plan to go out with some field guides and notebooks and plan some visits to our  nature center. And I have the Comstock book.  I hope you get some good ideas:) Gina


    Check again.  http://handbookofnaturestudy.blogspot.com  

    Scroll down.  The links are on the left hand side of screen and are in rectangles labeled “Getting Started 1-10”  “Garden” etc.  

    Glad to know they are still available.  I hope to use these in the future.

    Christine Kaiser

    Thank you Jennifer! Yes that is me, no attention for details…Embarassed I see she changed design of the site, I thought it is all gone!Embarassed


    I think that if you sign up on her email list, you get the monthly newsletter with all the challenges in it for the month for free.  I think.  Anyway, it seems like all the past challenges should be available for free if you just go back in time, so to speak, on the site.

    Anyway, check out the email list.  That is how I got the september challenge newsletter.

    Christine Kaiser

    Thank you Gem, will try!

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