I loved looking at your pictures. It made me realize how BIG my children are 🙂 Glad you all had a great first week. It looks as if you have done a great job getting ready for that first week, too!
I’m working on my weekly post. This was our first week for this school year too. I’ll share it when I get it done.
OK, this makes me want to get back into blogging. It has been many months since my last post. Maybe I will post again soon. We’ve been back to school for just over a month now. Thanks for sharing your blogs!
I love seeing both of your posts! We’ll be starting in 2 or 3 weeks…depending on how long it takes me to get our basement cleaned out and order the rest of our curriculum.
Ours starts in a couple weeks!! (I’m waiting until her PS friends go back and I get settled into my new position at work) Glad you all are off to a great start!
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