Our Simply Charlotte Mason Seminar

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  • Last Saturday 10 ladies gathered in my home to watch Sonya’s DVD Charlotte Mason seminar. We all brought food; potluck style Mexican food lunch. We grabbed a cup of coffee or iced tea, took off our shoes, got comfy, prayed, and watched the seminar together. I kept the remote control nearby and we paused often to discuss different topics and ask questions.

    There were ladies here that are very well versed in the CM philosophy, ladies just a year or two into their homeschooling adventure, and ladies that have taught for many years using more traditional methods seeking a different way to teach. Sonya’s seminar met each of us just where we were at. She was very informative, interesting, and made us laugh a few times.

    I have been to quite a few seminars in the last 13 years of homeschooling. I was a bit worried that it might feel long and tedious watching a seminar on DVD. But that was not the case at all. I can’t wait to watch it again on my own!

    If Sonya doesn’t come to your area, please consider holding your own seminar! Our day was a fabulous day of sweet fellowship, a wonderful lunch, and a great learning day. It was very bonding to many of the ladies in our group. I plan to repeat this in my home each year as I have new families joining the group at several different times a year.

    Thank you Sonya for your ministry to all of us!


    Nedra in So. California








    Oh, that sounds like so much fun!  I’ll have to see if some of my friends would like to do the same thing.


    Jodie Apple

    That does sound like so much fun! 


    Nedra, that sounds like a great gathering!

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