Our Schedules – K, 3rd, 6th and an almost 3 yo

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Schedules Our Schedules – K, 3rd, 6th and an almost 3 yo

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    Kindergartner  – I may need to tweak a bit, but this is helping me to focus our days.


    Check these out, Christie! Told you that your hard work was crazy helpful over here!  I’m on a ROLL..woo hoo! hehe



    Leah, I love it! I love a good, useful chart. Yours are useful and beautiful, too! Your blog is great. I found some new resources there. Thanks for sharing.


    Thanks for posting your Kindergarten schedule. I have a little one that I think is ready for more structure and I love how you have your schedule in a chart. I love charts. Smile



    Thanks Christie-I’m glad you enjoyed looking around 🙂 I just finished our “master routine” chart now, which is SO much nicer than the 3pg. jumbled up thing I had before, and I think it will be much easier for ds12 to follow, too.  Now to think about term charts and subject planners..(my dyslexic tendencies coming out again!) I can see myself hugging these beloved charts and swaying back and forth to some soft music. LOL


    I finally finished a blog post on planning for my brood. If interested, “I Know the Plans I Have for You”. I plan the next post to include ALL of our resource lists, forms, etc, but this is a good idea of how I do it.



    On your Kindergarten schedule you have Mad Science Class on Monday. Would you mind to tell me what that is? 🙂


    Mrs.K – this is a paid teacher class at a friend’s co-op. I had originally enrolled dd11 and ds8 bc both asked for experiments and a variety of topics and this opportunity fell in my lap. We already have a co-op, which I lead on Thursdays, but I decided Mondays would be for science, nature study and art. Anyway, after sitting on the sidelines and watching dd5 looked very interested and I asked if she’d like to join the class. She was thrilled! It is a class that spans ages 6-13 and its been great. Dd5 needs some help with experiments, but she is loving it.

    Topics are astronomy, geology, physics, etc. it is 24 weeks and taught by a company called mad science. Te teacher is great and passionate. Way more so than I am. There was some talk about Big Bang theory, but kids and I talked about that later and they both thought it was a silly thought. While there may be more evolutionary thinking than I like, it is minimal and isn’t detracting from the experience overall. Te kids and I have an opportunity to chat about the other theories out there.

    More than you wanted to know, I’m sure.



    Thanks Christie. I thought maybe it might have been some sort of CM-style science curriculum. 🙂


    I posted a new blog with my ds8’s new checklist, basic, but exactly what he wanted and needed.




    Thank you so much for taking the time to share your planning and schedules.  It is really appreciated.  I have all sorts of ideas but have a difficult time putting it on paper.  I’m not very good at organizing and it helps so much to actually see how others do it.  I was wondering how long it took to put together your son’s checklist.  This would be great to use with my boys but I would need to do it for five children and time is at a premium. Smile


    @teachme2learn – thank you. Once I hit on the format that worked for him, it was pretty easy. I just typed up the lessons using copy& paste a bit. It is simply a page formatted into 3 columns with a tab set with a leader line for him to mark the date. The history/geo planner took ~ 10 minutes to type up. His entire planner (bible; history/geo; science; lit; language arts; math; misc) took about 1.5 hrs. However, I had already planned everything. Going forward it will take less time since I know what he wants and needs. 1.5 hrs per term to plan per kid is better than 30 min per week! I previously used the cmo and loved it, but I need to be offline more.

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