Our Mother Tongue or Analytical Grammar

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  • Benita

    I feel that my son going into 10th grade needs one more year of grammar and some more diagramming work. I also want him to do the essay and research paper lessons from Analytical Grammar. Wondering if Mother Tongue would be enough? He has a packed schedule already so do I want to have him doing as much grammar daily as Analytical calls for. Would Mother Tongue be enough and could he do the essay and research part even if he did mother tongue instead of analytical?

    But, he has 3 younger siblings coming along. Maybe I should use analytical grammar with him and then his younger sibling could follow the schedule of analytical grammar more closely and easily when it is their turn. Any advice?


    My vote would be for AG – makes a lot more sense all around for your situation. 🙂


    New to AG.  I have an idea and would like some opinions. I’m contemplating using AG 1 week on, 1 week off, or 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off.  Has anyone ever tried this?  I just feel that teaching it for 10 weeks at one shot at the beginning of the year makes room for forgetfulness…even on my part. 


    Ricki, AG suggests using their Review and Reinforcement book, 1 exercise every other week, for the remainder of the year. This is what I plan to do. However, your plan could work, too, I think. 


    Benita, I’m not familiar with OMT. If you can find one of Booksorms posts I thought she said she used something for diagramming along with OMT but I’m not sure!

    Ricki, I think your plan would work. I’d probably lean more towards one week off than two so less chance of forgetting but might not matter at all. My dd doesn’t like grammar so we made lessons shorter by doing the labeling one day and diagramming the next instead of all in one day. Lessons took about 15 min. instead of 30 and we didn’t do it every day….so the seasons have been stretched to about a year each. HTH some:) Gina



    Thanks for the advice. Also good to know about how long you took on lessons. That is a concern as I felt that the school day was too long for the kids last year and I am trying to scale it back a bit. Less readings- which is killing me! But also I want to be sure that what they are doing in each subject is truly beneficial and not busywork! However, for my oldest, I need the seasons to be a season and not a year. But for the youngers, that might work.


    missceegee and momto2blessings: Thank you for the input. Definately will consider both recommendations. Innocent


    blue j

    I’m an OMT advocate.  I have used it with two of my daughters and will be using it with my youngest.  I think it is enough grammar, and could be done in a short amount of time, in just bits/ day.  Not sure where the thread is, but I answer this type of question in detail somewhere here.Smile  I did give the older two girls extra sentences as I felt the need, and I will be using some Winston Grammar, potentially, with my younger dd.  I’ve had several weeks to consider this, and we’ll see.  I keep going back and forth.  In the end, I may just diagram sentences we make up unless she shows me that she needs a large amount of practice which I do not anticipate.

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