I have heard this is a good review. I’ve heard it used by students from grade 7 right through to grade 12. Would it be an good option for a grade 7 student with very little grammar exposure? Or would it be best left for high school and do something else first?
I use this in seventh grade (or at least I did) with all my students. We typically had already had basic mechanics and the parts of speech taught before we began.
I wanted to add that part of the appeal, for us, is that it explains that in Latin the meaning of the labels we use for our parts of speech. This really helped my girls understand the why when labeling parts of speech as well as really keep the labels straight in their head, making it easier for them to search for the words that fit the label when diagramming… or putting together a sentence with specific parameters that I had given them. Because of this, I will be skipping other programs that I used in the past to introduce grammar in a formal way, and using this alone with my 7th grade daughter this year.
For what it’s worth, my teo older girls with whom I used this as a review both said they would rather have started with this because they think they would have understood the concepts with no need of extra review. They also pull this, of the handfull of grammar books, off of the shelf as a reference guide on the odd occasion.
Book is nonconsumable. We do exercises orally or in writing, depending on needs of student and nature of exercise. If you are uncertain about your grammar, the teacher answer booklet is recommended.
It looks like you will need a separate notebook. I plan to use this with my ds after using JAG and a bit of Easy Grammar Plus (which i now regret the detour we took with that book…nothing wrong with it except the format, just didn’t work for us).
I just picked up OMT at a curriculum swap for $5 (practically brand new). Either they never used it or used a separate notebook. The diagramming excercises alone would need a notebook/dry erase board to write on since the book is a bit small.
I’m really excited to use this with my ds. It was a toss up between AG and OMT but the swap had this one and I couldn’t beat the price!
Get the answer key if this is an area in which you struggle. You’ll enjoy learning, too. Oldest used his own notebook when not doing it orally. It can be handed down often. 🙂
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