Our Little Spartan Cousin…

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  • 4myboys

    Has anyone found the Our Little Cousin books in the Public domain? The link that SCM has on the resource page for Mod 2 takes me to a table of contents, but I’m not getting anything else from it.


    Heritage History has it in their Greece study.  I’m letting my kids read it from my pc (or I’ll read it to them).


    But is that free?


    I’m reading it for free off of my pc.  I’m reading Mara Pratt’s Early American History, as well.  I’ll send a link 🙂



    Is this what you are looking for??

    I know they aren’t very expensive to buy from amazon/YC/HH, but I just can’t afford one more book, so I’m hoping to read the two recommended for Greece to my younger two.  I am reading Mara Pratt’s American History one, as well.


    Ah, thanks!



    You’re welcome!

    Under each of their time periods they have several books you can read from your pc. You can purchase them for a kindle and purchase curriculum to go along w/ them. I’m not doing that,  I’m just using the free option.


    Project Gutenberg has a number of free public domain Our Little Cousin books.  They’ve added a number of them this month (i.e. August 2013).  All books on PG are free for download in a number of formats.  No account or registration needed.


    The books are:

    Eva Brooks Francisco Our Little Argentine Cousin

    Elizabeth MacDonald Our Little Canadian Cousin

    Blanche McManus has Our Little Dutch Cousin, Our Little English Cousin, and Our Little Hindu Cousin

    Florence Mendel Our Little Polish Cousin

    Mary Nixon-Roulet has Kalitan Our Little Alaskan Cousin, Jean Our Little Australian Cousin, and Our Little Hungarian Cousin

    H Leep Pike Our Little Korean Cousin

    Mary H Wade has Mari Our Little Norwegian Cousin, Our Little Hawaiian Cousin, Our Little Indian Cousin, Our Little Irish Cousin, and Our Little Turkish Cousin

    Clara Winslow Our Little Finnish Cousin

    I discovered Project Gutenberg about ten years ago and have downloaded hundreds of public domain juvenile books.  You don’t necessarily have to download.  They will allow you to read the books on the site as well.


    For future use, some of the Cousins of Long Ago books are also on http://www.mainlesson.com , although Spartan isn’t. 

    Thanks to @independent2100 for that list of Little Cousins books.  My daughter has read many of the historical ones (the “Our Little … Cousin of Long Ago” series) but these cultural ones look fun too.  I wonder why Project Gutenberg doesn’t have any of the historical ones.  I thought they did.  Maybe they are still coming.  Now I need to do some investigating to see if there are more that Heritage History and/or Mainlesson don’t have …. 

    So many books to preread, so little time!



    You’re most welcome, @jmac17. I subscribe to the Project Gutenberg recent book feed to keep up on books added. There were three new cousins books added today (4 September 2013):

    Clare M. Coburn – Our Little Swedish Cousin

    Mary H B Wade – Our Little Cuban Cousin

    Clara Vostrovsky Winlow – Our Little Roumanian Cousin



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