Our first year with SCM. Help

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  • momschooler

    This will be our first year of SCM. My boys are 7 and 10. We are starting with the middle ages. What does everyone do for Science, Picture study and Music?


    Hi! We are using a mix of Ambleside Online and God’s Design For Science for my daughter’s science this year. She is 12. For Picture Study we use SCM’s picture portfoilios. They are WONDERFUL! 🙂 For composer study, we simply read a short bio and then listen to that composer’s music for the term. I find a short bio online. We read the bio the first week of the term and then listen to that composer’s music at the same time every day (as recommended by Sonya) for the remainder of the term. We like to do this during lunch.  I also have my daughter write a narration on each composer and artist we study.


    We used 106 Days of Science when my kids were about the ages of your sons. It was a fun course. We add in living books as part of their independent reading or as family read alouds and really enjoy the Thornton Burgess books. Your boys would probably like the story Rascal by Sterling North – we are listening to it now. We use a mixture of God’s Design, Apologia elementary texts, and living books to learn science in the younger grades.

    We use a book called The Great Composers for Music Study. It has a picture, short bio, and list of important works of each composer. It is pretty easy to get CDs of their music. We concentrate on one per term. Here is a link: 


    I really like the SCM art portfolios. Great quality and so easy to use.


    We love the Opal Wheeler biographies for composer study and the Classical Kids audio Cd’s are a fun supplement as well. Then just listen to the composer throughout the term! For my kids, I found it helpful to only listen to that particular composer during the time that we were studying about him. That way they didn’t get confused about whose work belonged to whom.

    I love the SCM art portfolios too, but if your budget is tight generally you can find high quality, color art books by artist at the library. Just check one out and pick a few of the works you want to look at with your children, then see if you can find a good living biography of the artist as well.

    Science…well, I haven’t found the ideal for us yet, but we did love the books listed in 106 Days.

    Happy Homeschooling!


    Mine are ages 11, 9.5 and 7.  We’re going to be doing Storybook of Science next term.  For my 7 year old, I plan to purchase Kathy Jo DeVore’s copywork for Storybook of Science (available on LuLu) as an extra/compliment to the daily readings.  7 yr old will do oral narrations as well.  The other boys will take turns on oral and written narrations.

    We, too, have the SCM artist portfolios and they are amazing.

    For music, we own most of the Classical Kids audio, as well as the Vox series which has a much more in depth biography.  I have found the key to my children really “getting to know” the composers is to do the study for an entire term (not less than 8 weeks and ideally, 12 weeks) and during the term listen to NOTHING else (no other composers).  After the completion of the term, take two weeks “off” and during that time, mingle and mix around your listening among all the composers you’ve studies to date, and then after the two week “break” go into you next composer focus.  We’ve been doing this for almost three years and my kids can truly tell you without hesitation whether a piece is Bach, Handel, Mozart, Beethovan, etc….it’s quite something!  And they love them all.  Without any “formal” instruction (all we do is listen and read a biography) my boys just began to FEEL the music and the style of each composer.   Composer study has been VERY fun for us.  



    Could a person just use youtube to listen to the composer and look up a short bio? OR am I missing something?


    Momschooler, yes, we use Youtube for our composer music.  We have been following the artist and composer rotation from “All Things Bright and Beautiful” blog for a few years now.  The mom that hosts it does a nice job gathering pictures and music.  She posts a new piece of art, piece of music, and poem each week.  The artist, composer, and poet remain the same for approximately 12 weeks.  It is a free resource that has served us well.  

    Website:  www.classicalmusicnartcharlottemasonstyle.blogspot.com/



    Just trying to see if this link will take you directly to the site.

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