We went on our first nature walk today…we were so excited. My ds 3-not quite four told a lady we passed by that we were going on a bear hunt. I wanted to share it I was so excited and proud to have begun. We left the house walked one hour to the park gathering treasures…flowers, pinecones, a rock or two, seed pods, etc. Each of the older children had their Easter buckets to collect in. It was fabulous. We practiced noticing things. As a treat we then played at the park for an hour. When my dh called to say he was coming home from work, I laughed and said could you pick us up at the park. He was thrilled. His backgroud is science and we call him Daddy or Mr. Science.
When we got home I asked my art oriented dd (7) to pick 5 treasure to draw. she asked could she draw more than 5. I said yes. In a flash she grabbed paper and of all things a blue crayon and drew 22 different natural things on a page. I could actually distinguish the different plants.
I have no idea if I did it the CM way…if I did it right…but I loved it…and will treasure that 8×11 record of it. We don’t even have a nature journal yet. I have asked the library to get Pocket Full of Pinecones to inspire/educate me…but I don’t know anything about this yet 🙂
=) Sounds so fun! We actually did our first “Nature Study” today also. We went out early because it gets so hot here this time of year and I just let the kids sit and see what they noticed. My 4 yo was the first to point out a grand daddy long leg so both the older two decided to draw bugs on their clipboards also. After following a cow ant around the yard for a while (as long as they were interested in it), I let the kids have a popsicle and then headed back inside to read the book Insects by Barbara Taylor. I only read the small sections that pertained to the insects they noticed outide and a few others that they specifically asked to be read.. Then we went and put together our Nature Study Journals. The kids decorated the front of their folders and then added their first page into it….They really seemed to enjoy it and were ready to pull out their journals as soon as dad came home from work. =) Not sure if we did it “right” either but….I guess we’ll learn as we go =)
This morning as we sat down to eat, my 3+ ds said, Can we go on a bear hunt again as soon as breakfast is over?
Yesterday looks like the only sunny nice day till Sunday…so I said I don’t think we’ll be able to. Then as I thought about telling you what he had asked. I had an inspiration. The rain has not yet begun (we live in a cold climate–so if it is raining generally it is too cold…not like the south where I am from.) And we lined up like a mama duck and her ducklings at the door…they were still in pajamas and we marched outside to check out the garden and see if the seeds had sprouted, smell the different herbs, and watch some ants. Again my 3+ said, The ants are getting food and working hard all day (we’ve been studying proverbs with daddy!) and I said yes, and the Bible tells us that we should be doing what? My dd/7 gave the obvious answer and we all marched back into the house to continue the detwaddling project (which is huge!) (i haven’t explained twaddle…we are just getting rid of stuff…cause we have too much and others need it! 🙂
So we have begun another CM day.
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