Our baby boy arrived :)

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  • Nina

    Hello 🙂 I haven’t been around much lately other than to complain. Sorry everyone but thanks to all the wondrful ladies who have sown seeds of encouragement!!

    Our baby boy arrived last Thursday 9/8. He weighed 8lbs 10 oz and was 21 in long. My biggest baby ever. Whew it took more than ever to push that little man out. He of course is very sweet :). Eats alot and cries a bit. But sweet none the less 🙂

    It will take us some time to get back into the swing of things. Not sure how to do that with my 4 and 2 yo in the mix. But I pray God will show me how! That is before my oldest is 18 and educated at a 8th grade level 🙁 Anyway, no griping in this post 😉 I’m thankful for all my kiddos. They are a blessing and we will hopefully soon be on track. Maybe not my track but Gods!

    Thank you all for your prayers throughout this pgnancy. It was a rough one. Many times I came here for advice, prayer or just to cry out. Thank you all again! You were always encouraging and helpful. I will try to visit as often as I can. Not sure how much, but I will try. This is my main source for hs’ing and CM encouragement.

    Thanks again!


    Congrats, Nina!

    If it makes you feel better, 3 of my 4 were over 10 lbs each and 2 of them were 2-3 weeks early. My runt was 9 lb. 10 oz. and 2 weeks early.Smile But at least they were all c-sections!



    I am 5’2″, weighing 100 pounds. All 4 of my csection babies were huge, my smallest was 8 pounds, 4 oz. Life’s so funny because my 6 foot tall SIL has small babies, all naturally delivered. :). Oh well!

    As a whole, I do think that bigger babies sleep through the night sooner though.

    Congratulations and God bless your new little one!


    Congratulations! Enjoy that baby!

    blue j

    Congratulations, Nina!


    Congratulations!  I’m so happy that both mom and baby are doing great!  Enjoy your family. Smile

    Congratulations, and God bless this little boy, his mama and dada and his siblings, enjoy every minute. Linda


    Congrats boys are a blessing, I have this little sign carved out of wood I like to read daily: Mother’s of little boys work from sun up to sun down.  Love Misty


    Congratulations!  I miss my big rolypoly baby boys!  My smallest was 8 1/2 pounds, my biggest was 11.  LOL  I have to warn you—it won’t be long until you are looking UP at him!  I’m nearly the family dwarf–even my baby, at 11, is almost taller than me–and I’m 5’7″! 


    Thanks for all the congrats. I’m glad he was only 8lb10oz. I can’t imagine pushing out any bigger. I know it can be done. I just don’t want to be the one doing it, lol 🙂


    (((Nina))) I haven’t been around much lately either but hopped on to see if that little one had made his appearance yet! Yay! So glad to hear all went safely and well. He must have turned? At any rate I am sure you’re very busy nursing and loving on all the kids. Just wanted to let you know you’ve been on my mind! 🙂


    Congratulations and blessings on your not-so-little one! All three of mine were 8 lbs. 14oz. and more…..the funny thing is that my biggest baby, dd nearly 11yo, is rather petite!

    Well congratulations! Have fun cuddling that little guy1 🙂


    Congrats, Nina!  That was about the weight of my son….loved his roly poly little arms and legs:)  Blessings, Gina


    Congratulations – although I can’t IMAGINE all of you who have delivered 8, 9, and 10 lb babies!  The biggest of my 3 was still only 6lbs 8 (and right at 40 weeks)!!


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