Otter's Christian High School Biology

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  • JennyMN

    This looks like an interesting alternative to Apologia Biology.  The price is certainly right.  Smile  We are doing Apologia General Science next year so Biology is still in the future. 

    If you have a thought on it, feel free to post, otherwise I’m just throwing it out for people to explore.


    thanks for sharing, I didn’t know about this one. I was considering the human body plan she put together but decided to stick to Noeo for this year.

    Her Botany and Chemistry plans look good too!


    Looks great to me! Biology is on tap for our youngest son for 2014-15. Bookmarking this to add to our list of books. Thanks!!!!


    I like the looks of most of her science curriculums, and I have this one on my radar for my oldest in a couple of years. It appeals to me on the surface, so I need to spend some time really looking at it in depth. She does have a lot of things (books, etc) in it when you start looking closer. It looks doable for me without the stress I am having over Apologia (and yes, I have read all the posts about Apologia, so I am NOT looking to start that debate all over again!)  😉 


    (and yes, I have read all the posts about Apologia, so I am NOT looking to start that debate all over again!)  😉


    Wink I agree.  No need to beat a dead horse.  (Although I have profited greatly from the previous discussions.)

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