OT:Reflex integration/OT removed my daughter's learning struggles

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  • amama5

    Thought I’d post this in case it might help someone else:

    I had posted on here a long time ago about my daughter really struggling with math, and many other subjects, as well as just understanding oral directions, following game rules, etc.  She would finally get a concept after months of work, then look at it the next day as if it were brand new information and tell me she’d never seen it before.  We tried 4 different math curriculums, and I had tried everything I could think of for her and was so discouraged, and she was as well.  Many days were spent in tears.

    She had several head injuries through the years (because she’s a crazy free spirit who loves spinning/dancing outside with her eyes closed, etc:)  so she had speech/language evaluations that showed no problems besides auditory processing issues.

    A friend referred us to a pediatric occupational therapist who uses MNRI (Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration) for children with all sorts of issues/struggles (ADD, autism, sensory processing, behavioral issues, etc.)  It took several months with doing the exercises daily, but her life is completely changed, as well as ours.  She is flying through her math book and catching up to grade level.  She finally understands what others are saying to her, and can express herself verbally without stuttering, fumbling for words, getting frustrated and giving up.  She can play complicated board games with her sibling, and is so much happier.

    The OT also gave her many exercises to calm herself, and re-focus when she’s hyper or too restless to focus on school.  She also showed us weighted blankets, which have taken away her night terrors and helped her sleep.

    I just wanted to share this because I know that if we had not been directed to the OT, nothing would be different for her and I wonder how many more children could improve as well with those exercises/methods.

    Thanks for all your help over the years!


    That’s great news!  Thanks for sharing an encouraging story with us.



    That is so great! I am happy for you all!





    This is the first I’ve heard of MNRI, but I can second the use of a weighted blanket for some of these kids.  My son, now 18, is high-functioning autistic.  He had a lot of sleep issues throughout the early years into middle school, and the weighted blanket really helped him.  Helped me, too, if you count the nights I was no longer awakened at 2 a.m. by my son knocking on my door asking me to “do something” because he couldn’t sleep.

    Glad to hear MNRI worked for your daughter.


    Thanks!  Sue, I wish I had known about weighted blankets years ago.  She still has some bad nights but most of the time we both get some rest.  Nothing else worked; oils, music, baths, etc.

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