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    Karen – can you explain soap chips/spray?  Also, how did you hear about the walnut?  My one son has softer teeth and if he doesn’t brush well gets spots on them so easily.  Would this be a good idea for that type of issue do you know at all?


    The tooth spray/spritz is a liquid that you spray onto your brush.  They (Rose of Sharon Acres) say two squirts, we use one squirt.  You just brush and it juices up and tingles and feels great!  Some of my girls say it “burns” – I think it’s the tingle…..You’re supposed to swish and spit (with water) three times after brushing.  The girls who don’t swish and spit enough feel more of a tingle than the those who do swish and spit three times.

    The Rose of Sharon Acres website (http://www.roseofsharonacres.com) is a great place to poke around.  (I also use their hair soap and really like it….and their charcoal soap.)  Monica (the lady who owns it is very kind also).  I originally found out about tooth spray from the Love to Learn catalog.

    The walnut I heard about from a friend.  And then I read about it in the Be Your Own Doctor book.  And then I found out about the Bulk Herb Store. 

    I think the Black Walnut would help your son.  My sister-in-law’s “healthy doctor” (he uses only herbs and whatnot) suggests that when you’re using an herb to treat a condition you should take at least two days “off” per week.   He feels like that prevents your body from developing an allergy to that herb.  I don’t know if there’s any truth to that or not.  We’ve been doing that, just in case.

    We eat plenty of sweets and fruit and all that bad stuff, so I’m not seeing very quick results with my daughter’s cavities healing on their own — however, the cavities are not getting worse.  And I just feel like what we’re doing HAS to be better than what the dentist suggested (floride pills and rinsing with flouride).

    I have noticed that since I’ve been using the tooth spritz, the doctor has stopped saying “there’s a cavity we’re just going to keep an eye on” – and I’ve been back to the dentist twice since I started using the spritz.  I know I had a cavity they “were watching” when I started with the spritz.

    Hope that helps!  I would encourage you to email Monica at Rose Of Sharon Acres and ask her more questions — she’s so kind and helpful.  Also the Bulk Herb Store has a lot of info on their site.





    I tried the toothpaste from the Bulk Herb website, we all ended up w/painful gums, horrible and I now have a ton of clove and cinnamon sticks I don’t have a use for! Not a fan!


    This post couldn’t have come at a better time for me.  My 2 1/2 year old daughter has an appointment the day after tomorrow for two fillings.  They call it sedation because she will be drinking some kind of pink stuff to make her sleepy/loopy.  I don’t like the idea.  My now 6 year old son had full sedation dentistry at 3 1/2 and now has a mouthful of silver!  I have felt like such a failure.  My firstborn has had no dental issues.  I too have a mouthful of silver.  I have been reading about remineralizing teeth since they first told me my daughter had cavities.  I am so diligent with their teeth brushing and do my best to fix healthy meals though most of the time they don’t eat what they don’t want.  We just finished our first bottle of fermented cod liver oil but I couldn’t get them to take the HVBO.  When I re-ordered, I ordered the FCLO/HVBO blend and I really hope they will be able to take it.

    So after reading through the posts, I want to try making our own tooth cleaner.  My kids are hard to please taste wise so I need something that they will be able to tolerate.  I would really love to start the type of diet to help remineralize the teeth.  I’m just not sure how successful I’ll be because my children are extremely picky.  I would love some advice from anyone who has had success with eliminating sugar and grains.  We all love baked goods in my house and it will be tough.  

    To the OP, thank you for posting this.  I have been praying about this and haven’t visited the forum in awhile.  When I got on here yesterday, this was the first post I saw.  I feel like it was an answer to my prayers.  

    sara p.

    Wow- I didn’t realize that floride was bad for you!  We adopted a baby and I am using bottled water with floride added to make her bottles since we have a well. Am I correct then that I shouldn’t be giving her the floride treated water?


    If you didn’t already I would get my water tested, our well water is better than any other water.

    I would not buy water w/Fluoride. You can Google it, there are many articles on Fluoride. 


    Please don’t use fluoride water!! My boys have never used fluoride and we only drink natural spring water!

    go to Dr. Mercola’s website and check out all his article on fluoride HTH



    I do not mean to make you feel bad! We all are learning new things everyday! Smile


    sara p., I’m also going to beg and plead with you to not give your baby flouridated water any longer and to use your delicious, mineral-rich well water instead. Smile

    Here is an article I frequently refer people to for more information on this dangerous neurotoxin: http://www.cheeseslave.com/top-10-dangers-of-fluoride/

    I second the recommendation to look at Mercola’s website for more information. 

    And here is an article where the ADA actually confirms flouridated water is dangerous for babies: http://www.naturalnews.com/030123_fluoride_babies.html#

    If you decide to stop with the flouridated water, please, please, PLEASE don’t beat yourself up for having given it to your baby. God is an amazing redeemer, especially when we are ignorant of things. I vaccinated my children for the first 3 years, but stopped when I learned how dangerous vaccines were. It would have been easy to beat myself up for the years I did vaccinate them and possible damage it may have caused, but what good would that do?? NONE! We moved on, deal with some of the damages, and pray for God to take care of the rest.  Just wanted to drench my post with grace, lest you think any of us are making you feel guilty!

    Blessings to you and your baby!


    P.S. To everyone else: I made this tooth powder today: http://wellnessmama.com/5252/remineralizing-tooth-powder-recipe/


    I breastfed some and supplemented formula since I was working and used the nursery water with the fluoride. He is my only child who has had cavities and at age 2.5 so it did not prevent them. (Dd was fully bf; no cavities.) We waited to age 7 to get them filled as they were not painful and I did not want them to sedate him. He did fine and no more cavities since. Our city water has fluoride and we use an inexpensive water filter, but I think it is still in there. Can anyone recommend what I should do with our water?


    Great topic everyone!  I ordered on of the toothpastes and I am thinking about making a small batch of the one Lindsey just mentioned cause I love how nummy (not a word is it? LOL) it sounds.  

    No floride here, my kids wont even drink my in-laws water cause they live in the city, it’s treated with floride and we learned in our state it’s the highest levels of floride.  Yikes!!  So scary.


    Going from a link in Lindsey’s post, I found Radiant Life water filters. Has anyone used this or recommend something else?

    Is there some kind of healthy living book you can recommend so I can know about things like fluoride and other toxins. I recently became more concerned about plastics and the formaldehyde in particle board and mdf and these materials are used in children’s toys and other products. I wonder what else I am missing.


    What is the difference in cod liver oil and fermented cod liver oil? I just bought some Carlson for Kids cod liver oil.


    This is from the Weston A. Price Foundation’s website: http://www.westonaprice.org/cod-liver-oil/cod-liver-oil-basics

    Toward the bottom you will see their recommendations for the best cod liver oils and why fermented is best. Hope this helps!

    sara p.

    Thanks Lindsey for letting me know!! I’m so glad I found out now before she got any older. My older kids were also thrilled when I told them to throw out their bottles of floride rinse this morning. I’m amazed that these companies are allowed to sell these dangerous products for our children. I have been inspired all day at looking at what else we have been putting into our bodies that is potentially dangerous. I was looking and found that you can mix coconut oil and baking soda to make tooth paste also. Have any of you tried it? You all inspire me Wink!

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