OT: What will become of American agriculture?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch Let’s Chat OT: What will become of American agriculture?

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    Just read an article last night that reported a merger I’m not particularly fond of.  The German company Bayer has bought the American company Monsanto.  That means that the world’s largest producer of pesticides now owns the world’s largest producer of seeds and the world’s largest producer of genetically engineered seeds.

    Those of us who prefer to avoid GMO crops and food products that have been subjected to the overuse of chemical pesticides will no doubt find this rather disturbing.  I need to expand our garden next year.  At least the organic kale that I grew for the first time this year is making me smile.


    It really is going to come down to families taking personal responsibility for producing their own food or sourcing it from farmers who use organic methods.  (And as an aside…please support the farmers who are doing this with your dollars.  The food industry is a false economy being subsidized with government money…and the control that goes along with it.  Those farmers who are standing against this food tyranny are working in overdrive to provide us with the best food they can and it is expensive to produce.). That’s why we do what we do.  Most of what we eat is grown by us…meat, milk (and the dairy goodies that go with it), eggs, and veggies/fruit.  What I do buy, I invest in organic or non-gmo, not only for our health, but also from conviction and what I feel is my responsibility as a steward of the earth.  I encourage everyone who is concerned about this to consider joining the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Association.  They are working diligently to protect our rights to have the liberty to choose our food.  And for a fabulous book to read for instruction and inspiration,  The Marvelous Pigness of Pigs by Joel Salatin.  ?

    Rachel White

    Would you please post the link to the news of this merger? That’s most disturbing. When government gets bigger, so do companies and they nourish each other, passing laws to benefit the other and squelch competition.

    Fight in your state’s legislatures and State Ag. Dept.,  for more control over food decisions, wrestling it away from the Feds, on the grounds of the 10th Amendment.

    The decisions of who to vote for on the down-ballot, in both the federal and state legislatures, for Constitutional powers is vital.

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention.


    Here is the link to the news article: http://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/2016/09/13/bayer-monsanto-sign-merger-agreement-worth-66b-now-tough-part-regulators.html

    Robin, you are absolutely right about families taking responsibility for the food they eat.  We are not at all high-income (much closer to the other end of that spectrum), but we are blessed to have a freezer in the basement, so I watch for sales at Whole Foods and Earth Fare so I can stock up on meats and other items that are certified non-GMO, organic, etc., etc.  My 15yo DD is even looking to take on a part time job (in addition to the one she already has) to help pay for the higher-priced organic feed for her 6 chickens.  She also wants to help me expand our current tiny garden.  (Yay, more kale!)

    I love Joel Salatin’s books, and I really enjoyed seeing his role in the documentary Fresh.  We have gotten the dvd from our local library a few times to watch for encouragement.


    I was so disappointed when I heard this the other day.  I’m tired of fighting the food industry.  I’ve witnessed firsthand how damaging the “food” is with my family’s change of eating 6 years ago.  It’s a fight anywhere you go that has food.

    We just started with our own animals and it is expensive yet cheaper than the pasture-raised products in stores and some farms.  But I’m so thankful to know what my animals are eating.

    Family responsibility is the first step but knowledge and affordability make that hard to reach for some.  Thanks for posting the article.


    Here is a great article by someone who raises lots of food on 1/5 of an acre.


    Renee Gould

    Robin P

    Just ordered Marvelous Pigness..  Thanks for sharing!

    Btw Big Pharma and these guys, I get so frustrated!

    Thanks for sharing all..





    I’ve no green thumb. At. ALL. But I am thankful for friends and farmers who do. I just bought 1/4 beef from a local farmer friend. Glad to have good safe food options.

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