OT: Waking up w/ mysterious bites

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  • MissusLeata

    Definitely! How old are your kids?


    Two of my boys had problems with something like that.  It was very random.  We could never pinpoint anything.  It would happen sporadically, any season, whether or not they’d been outside.  The two of them did share a bed.  My doctor wanted to treat them for scabies.  Uh, no.  (Have you ever googled the treatment for scabies?!!!!)  And then it stopped.  We didn’t change anything.  It just stopped.  So, sorry, no helpful information for you, but at least you’re not the only one.  


    I’min south texas here and recently over the past 10 years, Texas has been infiltrated with exican Bed bugs. They are traveling on birds. They are not like the other bed bugs. http://neurosci.arizona.edu/kissingbugs/basicfacts at this link, there is a picture and some info. They do not seem to feed every night but very randomly as we see them in spurts here. They do not hide in the bed, but usually behind or under baseboards where it is dark, but they are attracted to light at night. They bite once maybe twice and bite where you are the warmest. If your body temperature is hotter than the others at your home, then you will be the only one afflicted. We have lots of pets and chickens and wildlife here, so when I asked our pest guy what to do about them, his responce was….. don’t let them get in your house. Uh, thanks man, didn’t know to do that! Geez….he said regular bug/flea killers would work, but I caught one and put it in a zip bag and experimented to find what killed it. The only thing I had in the house that killed it was my shoe! wasp spray, flea spray, roach/ant spray didn’t do a thing. I then added clorox, borax, peroxide, salt, and nothing. So we do the best we can here and have been lucky not to get any inside that we know of. Best of luck.


    You know, I thought you had my bug problem figured out…until the part about the high body temperature being attractive to them. My body temp is the lowest in the house. Hubby’s is the highest. In fact, that’s one of the reasons I have had the health challenges that I’ve had–because 95.9 isn’t healthy for anyone! My temp is up now, thankfully, but it’s still not consistently 98 or higher. Those bed bugs sounds freaky, and I sure hope that’s not our problem!

    Richele Baburina

    Oh, Lindsey, I hope it isn’t bed bugs either. I don’t want to lead you down a wrong path but we are dealing with fleas here. They have a rather complex life cycle. We think we’ve eradicated them and they pop up once again…about every 21 days or so. We are vacuuming daily and throwing everything into the dryer on high heat.




    Resurfacing every few weeks could be coinciding with flea life cycle. Are you vacuuming baseboards? I stubbornly tried to naturally kill the pesky things for about a year with constant washing of bedding and vacuuming with baking soda/salt mix. The diatomateous earth made me a bit nervous….breathing it. I’d think we were over them and boom they were back. I finally broke down and gave dog a Comfortis pill. Hated to do it, but least harmful to kids/people. Hubby also put flea killing granules in yard…I believe safer than sprays. They were gone for good in 3-4 weeks, after my many months of hard work:)

    Are they biting you when dog sleeps in bed with you? If so, less likely fleas. They prefer animals. Our dog slept with my daughter and I don’t think she ever got bit. It was mainly me, sometimes hubby. I think because of my hair…yuck!! Are they small bites with one dot in middle that itch like crazy at first, then subside? That’s how I generally knew. I hope you get it figured out soon!

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