My son is 15 and helping a farmer. This is fine but very occasional and pay is cheap. He’d like to earn more cause he’d like to go on the week long mission trip with our church. We don’t live in a neighborhood per say where cutting grass would be a great option (1st thought when you think 15 yr old boy). We all have riders and live 1/4 to a mile apart. I was trying to brain storm things he could write on a flyer for summer work. He can ride his bike and we have a kid bike trailer so if he needs to bring things he could. I was thinking of things like raking, weed whipping, helping with pets while people are on vacation, but then I get stumped. We don’t have a lot of kids around so he would/could get some good work if we could get inventive with the flier. Any help or suggestions would be great. Misty
You could add in that he is available to wash vehicles, trailers, 4-wheelers, etc. He could also pull weeds in flower beds and vegetable gardens. Small paint jobs might be another idea-like fences or tool sheds. My friend’s son has been hired to paint a wooden swing set and some wooden chairs.
My daughter has made $200 so far by caring for dogs and cats while the owners are away. Summer is a great time for this because so many people are vacationing. Someone might be willing to pay a great deal if they have many animals to care for. It sounds like you live in an area where people might have livestock as well as pets.
I agree about caring for livestock. It is so hard to find young people who know about farm animals. We rarely go away because we can’t always find someone to care for the cows, sheep, chickens, ducks while we’re away. We only go away while the cows are dry because there is no one who could milk. If he has those skills he could be worth his weight in gold.
We live in the country , and my husband runs a tree nursery. He hires a high schooler each summer. Is there anything like that nearby you? Or were you looking for something less regular. (It is hot, hard work, but everyone is treated like family, paid fairly, and usually given a bonus at the end of summer. )
Great ideas. Yes, we are in the country where animals are in almost everyone’s yards. Our kids have taken care of chickens, ducks, bunnies, horses and goats (milking and all).
Washing cars is a great one along with pet sitting and painting small areas (sheds).
So I will ask another add on question.
Would you prefer to get a price based on job or by the hour? Either way what would you be willing to pay if a 15 yr old boy put the flyer in your box and had items you would like done? Just thoughts here I know all areas are different and kids are different .
Great help! We do have a farm that does strawberries but it’s a bit out of the way and wouldn’t be a good fit for us.
By the job would be my 1st thought also, although I like the call me for a bid so they can see exactly what the job is for ‘certain’ jobs. Thanks for all the help.
We would be more inclined to hire a teen saving for a mission trip, college, etc.
I would think that mentioning he needs to raise a specific amount by a certain date would bring people on board and hopefully add some prayer partners for the mission trip.
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